Categotry Archives: fun


God We Praise You In E-Flat


Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?, worship

Okay, time to tell tales on my good friend Aaroneous. (Don’t know why I was remembering this just now, but here we go…)

He and I were on a worship team together some time ago, and we were playing some new song for the first time in church. (Don’t ask me what song, I don’t remember now.) Not only were we having to concentrate on the song because it was new, but it was also in E-flat, a key we almost never played in. I was leading from the piano, and Aaroneous was behind me playing bass and doing BGVs (that’s “background vocals”, for you not-in-the-know, non-musical types). 🙂


The Blog Roll Is Back!–and Other Bloggy Stuff


Categories: fun, random stuff

Hey, everyone…

If you check the left column of the page, you’ll see that my Blog Roll has returned, with a few updates. I’m trying Blogger’s new version of the Blog Roll (I was using an external program before). I’ve updated the Blog Roll from some of the blogs in my reader, and there are some new ones on the list; yours might even be there! If you were on the Blog Roll before and somehow I missed you, let me know so I can update the list. (If for some reason you don’t want your blog to be listed, let me know that, too.)


It’s Fun! It’s Free! And It Will Help Us!


Categories: fun, random stuff

Hey, everyone…do The Wild One and me a favor…

Look at the picture of our dog Jordy below! (If you’re viewing this in a reader, you’ll probably need to click through to see it!)

Cute, isn’t he?

This photo is entered in a “pampered pets” contest! If you like the picture, click on the link and vote for Jordy!

And you can keep voting, too! Once every 8 hours, if you like! There’s a hyperlink posted in the right sidebar of this blog under “Vote For Jordy!” Until the contest ends, this link will be on this page! Click the link and vote!


If Yoda Preached a Sermon


Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?

Pastor ____, you I thank, that invited me here today, you have.

Brief my message will be today. When 900 years old you reach, preach as long, you will not. Hm? (audience laughter)

John 3:16 (paraphrase, I will) says… “For so loved the world did God, that His only son begotten He gave, that those who believeth on Him, perish should not, but everlasting life should have.”

Everlasting life–seems something I should know about, hm? (audience laughter)


Hidden Treasure


Categories: fun, what I did today

Anyone heard of Charlie Peacock?

If you have listened to Christian music in the past 20 years, you may not have heard of him, but you’ve felt his influence. He is a true musical veteran–an artist, singer, songwriter, and producer in Nashville.

Ever hear the dcTalk song “In the Light?” Charlie wrote it. In fact, he recorded it first, several years earlier; dcTalk only covered it. And Charlie’s produced numerous artists that you probably have heard of.

I’m MySpace friends with Charlie, and the other day I got a message that he was doing an impromptu gig in Oklahoma City. So The Director and I got in the car and drove there.


Chasing Gustav


Categories: fun, what I did today

Earlier this week, millions of Americans got into vehicles and fled from Hurricane Gustav.

Today…three wackos got in their car and drove into Gustav.
Okay, so Gustav is no longer a hurricane, and I’m so thankful it wasn’t as bad as it could have been (though people are still suffering from it). Today, it is just a big mass of “itty-bitty stinging rain” (a-la Forrest Gump) with some annoying wind behind it, now spinning in our neighborhood.
The Wild One has been wanting “rain pictures”, and what better rain event than a former hurricane? So she had been planning for Gustav for days. And last night, Gustav came to our doorstep…and kind of stayed there. By noon today, we still weren’t getting any “real” rain…while just a couple dozen miles or so to the southeast, they were getting soaked.
What would you do? (If you reeaally wanted “rain pictures”, that is?) Since Gustav wasn’t quite coming to us…we went to Gustav.
We drove to a nearby town, stood in the rain with ponchos and an umbrella, and took pictures like these…
And then…Gustav followed us home. (It’s pouring outside this evening.)


Results: Honorable Mentions from the Word Verification Game


Categories: fun

And now, the post you’ve all been waiting for…

…the post you’ve been anticipating more than the Obama VP text message…

The Honorable-Mentions-from-the-Word-Verification-Game Post!

Thanks to all who participated. We got a lot of laughs out of this. You all did great, but as promised…three get honorable mentions as my faves.

Michael for his creative interpretation of “cksoka”:
“Church Kills Sinners Over Karaoke Audition”

KarenKool for her treatment of “unphsfei”:
Unsophisticated Neanderthals Perform Human Sacrifices For Empty Idols

Tysdaddy for his amazing decoding of “echezc”:
“Episcopalian Christians Hate EZ Cheese!”


A Totally Weird, Random, Off-the-Wall, Fun Blogging Game


Categories: fun, random stuff, What the heck was THAT?

I have an idea. Let’s play a game, boys and girls.
(I know you can’t see me, but I’m wearing my Mr. Rogers “It’s Good In the Hood” t-shirt today.)

Here’s how the game goes:

  1. Click to leave a comment.
  2. In the comment box, type the “word verification” thing that Blogger gives you.
  3. Then, in the comments, try to turn the word verification thing into an acronym. (It can be a made-up slogan, a made-up business or organization name, whatev. Just try to make it work.)

Here’s an example:


An Interview With Myself on the Occasion of My Two Hundredth Post


Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?

Q: Jeff, it’s a real privilege to interview you. I’ve enjoyed your blog ever since you started it.
A: Thanks, Jeff. Great to talk to you, too. I mean, we’ve had lots of conversations in private, but I’m glad we finally get to speak publicly.

Q: So…this is your 200th blog post. How do you feel?
A: Pretty awesome, actually. Two hundred is one of my top ten all-time favorite numbers.

Q: Why?
A: No reason. Just a random number.

Q: Do you have a particular favorite blog post?
A: Jeff, it’s so hard to choose. These blog postings are like my 200 children, you know? How do you pick a favorite?

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