Too Good to Keep
Categories: fun, Things that are too good to keep, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: fun, Things that are too good to keep, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: church, fun, What the heck was THAT?
Another tag, this time by Heather….at least it solves the problem of what to write about. 🙂
I’ve been tagged to write about what I think a good church should look like. Here are the rules, according to Barry, who started this thing:
1. Post to your blog on the subject “A Manifesto for Church”, outlining your thoughts on what an ideal church would/should be like. Posts can be as detailed or as short as you like.
2. Include a copy of these rules.
4. Put a link to your post in the comments to this post.
5. Tag at least 4 other people.
6. What happened to rule 3?
3. Ah, here it is.
Categories: fun
Categories: fun, Things that Are Amazingly Awesome, Wild One
Categories: fun
I like fun games like this.
Heather tagged me for this meme.
Write a title for your memoir.
You can only use six words.
Here are the actual meme rules:
So without futher ado or delay…
Here is my six word title:
Dang, I just wasted six words.
I’m very very very very bad.
Categories: fun, music, Things that are too good to keep, What the heck was THAT?
Understanding the intricacies of playing live…this video from Ragamuffin Soul is just too fun not to share…. just too funny!
Categories: fun, music, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: fun, Things that are too good to keep
Categories: awesomeness, fun
Woot woot! This is my 100th post!!!
Since starting this blog around the end of last year, I have made some great new online friends from literally all over the globe, and I’ve even been able to reconnect with some old(er) friends. And I have been privileged to join a huge ongoing conversation about finding fresh expressions of authentic faith in Christ–and I’ve learned a great deal from the interaction.
In an act of pure self-indulgence and narcissism…to commemmorrate this mmmommmentus occasion… {Cue tympani} …
…here are some links to some of the more significant moments along the journey so far.
Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?