I Made a Funny
Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: fun, Rantings, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: food for thought, fun, Meanderings (look it up), What the heck was THAT?
Categories: fun, link love, Meanderings (look it up)
So as we approach the holidays, we also approach the one-year mark for the Losing My Religion blog. And as we approach that mark, I’m contemplating how blogging has changed and expanded my thinking and indeed my world. Last month, Cindy at Run With It asked us how blogging has changed us. I didn’t respond then, mostly due to time constraints and being generally behind my blog reading. But I guess I’m answering it now: blogging has helped clarify my own journey, sharpened my writing skills, and connected me with a whole range of new friends–people who in some ways think very differently than I do, but who are in other ways quite connected with one another in this journey. I think these emerging relationships are the best part of my blogging experience. (Do you like that I used the word “emerging”?)
Categories: fun, politics? oh puh-leeze., What the heck was THAT?
Categories: fun, life, random stuff
Categories: fun, random stuff
The Off the Map Conference is over, but The Wild One, The Director and I are still in Denver, doing some sightseeing. Now that the whirlwind weekend is over, we’ll be spending some time with fellow blogger Kathy and her family, and are planning to head for home on Wednesday.
Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?
Reposted from July 2008.
So I’ve been officially in the blogosphere for a little over six months now, and maybe, just maybe, I’m getting the hang of it.
Come to find out that bloggers, like nearly any other group, have their own little culture. So you don’t just sign on with a Blogger account and start writing. NOooooo. You have to learn how to do it, um, properly. Just like we had to learn certain rules of etiquette when we started emailing, or certain ways of expressing ourselves with characters other than the alphabet (like 300 different forms of smiley faces) 😀 –as a blogger, you eventually learn how to walk the walk. Online, of course.
Categories: fun, Meanderings (look it up), What the heck was THAT?
Reposted from January 2008.
I’m about to get a bit irreverent and share a funny, sad, true story. ::Inserts tongue firmly into cheek…::
A number of years ago I was invited to lead worship for a week-long campmeeting at a church in Bakersfield, California. Right away I noticed that the pastor of this charismatic Word-Faith church had a distasteful beat-the-sheep leadership style, and that he had something to prove. Anyway, he announced that the last night would be an anointing service, where he would lay hands on and pray for anyone who wanted it. He pumped this up as the climax of the campmeeting, and that last day he went into seclusion to pray and fast, denying his flesh and all distractions so the Holy Spirit would honor his faith and move upon the people.
Categories: fun, random stuff
As you may recall, a couple of weeks ago I invited you to vote in an online “Pampered Pet” photo contest for our dog, Jordy. I put a convient link in the sidebar to remind everyone to vote.
There are now over 4000 entries. And Jordy has held his own for awhile, but it’s been harder to keep him in the running.
You might say he’s been, um…tailing in the polls. 🙂
Here’s the entry below! (Isn’t he cute?)