Categotry Archives: What the heck was THAT?


How to Be an Emergent PoMo Pastor-Leader Person


Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?


So for the past couple of years, I’ve been learning a lot about postmodernism, and how it’s affecting our culture, especially with upcoming generations. Alongside that, I’ve been learning a lot about what’s being called the “emergent church”, which many times amounts to “church for postmoderns” (PoMos) because its next-generation approach speaks largely to the PoMo worldview.

I’m not just a student of information, but also a student of human nature, so this stuff intrigues me.


Small World (The True Story of How I Learned that John the Baptist Used the King James Version)


Categories: fun, random stuff, What the heck was THAT?

A number of years ago, when I was young(er)…I was volunteering as a worship leader for a youth group in a large Assembly of God church in Cincinnati. One day, the youth pastor and I were bumming around in his office. He started digging through his desk looking for something, and pulled out a cassette tape he didn’t recognize. The words “Hymns My Mother Never Sang” was handwritten on it. So we popped the cassette into the player and started listening.

About a half hour later, our stomachs were sore from laughing so hard.


The Christianization of Cuss Words


Categories: What the heck was THAT?

For those of you who read the Unwritten Rules of Blogging I posted last summer…apparently some of you have noticed that I myself have failed to keep Rule #7.

I say this because every so often, there seems to be a subtle effort on the part of some of my readers to get me to cuss on this blog.

The most recent example was a comment left on my Caveman post:

“…you blew it with the “heck” at the end. Sigh…showing you still have much to learn.”




Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?

So yesterday I had the rare opportunity to have lunch with some of the guys from the music ministry team I traveled with in college. Several of us stayed in (or in my case, moved back to) Tulsa, but we rarely see each other, at least not all at once. This weekend, our former team leader was in town and invited us all to lunch.

Most of us showed. Two were dweebs and didn’t make it.


Me Do Man Thing


Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?

(In honor of the total manliness of this post…the following is brought to you in caveman-speak.)

Jeff very manly. Me do man thing.

Me fix toilet all by self.

Toilet not shut off right. Me fix. All by self.

Me mess with toilet thing late into night other night, figure out why not shut off right. Problem with ballcock. Need new ballcock.

(No laugh. Me not name these things. That what it called.)

Me go to big blue building where man buy manly things. Women there, too. Me okay with that–me not shovenist cheauxvenist chouv–me okay with that.



Uh-Oh…Jeff’s Philosophizing Again


Categories: random stuff, What the heck was THAT?

Here’s another nugget from the Official Collection of Proverbs and Random Thoughts from Jeff the Twisted, Slightly Off-Center Philosopher:

“Most, if not all, of the dysfunction in relationships stems from one of two things:
  1. People who are not willing to deal with their own crap; and
  2. People who feel they need to deal with everyone else’s crap.”


Just Some of the Crazy Weird Stuff I’ve Encountered in Church Life


Categories: random stuff, What the heck was THAT?

  • We have been invited by passers-by to visit their church on Sunday–after telling them we pastored a congregation. (This has happened more than once.)
  • A local mega-church pastor, who knew who we were, once openly tried to recruit one of our college girls to leave our house church and come to his mega-church.
  • While attending an Easter pageant at one of the larger churches in town, our teenage son was approached by a grinning church volunteer who shoved a tract in his hand, apparently assuming he was not a Christian because he was not dressed like a typical youth-grouper.
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