A (Sort of) Funny Thing Happened While Trying to Get Ready for My Trip
Categories: random stuff, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: random stuff, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: random stuff
By the time this posts, I’ll be on the road. The fam and are going up to Denver for a few days. We’ll spend some time with friends, do some sightseeing…and I’ll be leading worship for a friend’s congregation on Sunday.
So I hear that you’re not supposed to put this kind of stuff on the Interweb, so people won’t know they can rob your place while you’re gone. So in the unlikely event that you happen to know our address…we have an able housesitter, watchful neighbors, and a dog. So fugghedabboudit.
Categories: music, random stuff, What the heck was THAT?
The loaner was a white Chrysler PT cruiser. I think PT crusiers sort of look like small, old-timey gangster cars. But when a PT cruiser is white, it looks more like a small, old-timey ambulance.
This PT cruiser was equipped with satellite radio. It was the first time I’d ever had satellite radio in a car. It wasn’t until I got to listening to that satellite radio that I realized just how crappy our local radio stations are.
Categories: fun, random stuff, What the heck was THAT?
Can you guess why the number fifty is significant to me today?
A little help narrowing it down:
So…any guesses?
(Immediate family, church family and mother of the blogger are not eligible for the prize–if there was one, that is. So don’t give it away.)
I’ll update later today with the answer….
Categories: healing wounds, random stuff
Categories: random stuff, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: movies, random stuff
So last night we caught a news clip that they were doing some on-location filming here in town for this movie. So today, we thought, what the heck…let’s go downtown and see if we can see anything. We honestly didn’t expect to see anything.
Turns out we were wrong.
Categories: random stuff
Categories: random stuff, Wild One
Just a brief update for anyone who’s interested in why I haven’t posted any profundities in the past couple of days…
This weekend, The Wild One has been invited to show five photographs in a local show with a few other photographers. It just so happens that she is ready to officially launch into business as a photographer, and wants to coordinate that around the show opening. So we have been frantically working this week to finish up her website and get it up and running, getting paperwork filled out, etc., so she can provide that information at the art show and hopefully get some dates on the calendar. Among other things, she will be offering photo shoots for human portraits and pet portraits, and also offering some fine art photos for sale online. I’ll put a link here when the site is up. But that’s most of what we’ve been up to the past few days.
Categories: random stuff, Rantings, What the heck was THAT?