Categotry Archives: Things that Are Amazingly Awesome


Normally On This Day, I Post a Picture of Dancing Mexicans…

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Categories: Things that Are Amazingly Awesome, Things that Will Probably Get Me In Trouble, Things the Mexicans were doing when I was born

As long-time readers know, my birthday is an anomaly of the universe. For some inexplicable reason, the lovely people of Mexico take to the streets and dance and celebrate in my honor every May 5. Β It has been this way ever since I was born. You don’t try to explain such things; you just embrace them.

Normally, on May 5 each year, I post a picture of these wonderful people celebrating me. But this year, a friend of mine posted a picture on my Facebook wall that was just too good not to share. So, dear blogger friends, I give you…Cinco de Mayo.


A Different Sort of Venture (for Me)

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Categories: Things that Are Amazingly Awesome, things that don't fit in any category in particular

So this Sunday morning, guess what I’m gonna be doing?

Give up?

I’m going to be playing my keyboard. But not in “church.”

There are a couple of folks who do a little jam session (for lack of a better term) every other Sunday morning at the coffee shop where I hang out and write/blog. Sort of a brunch thing, without the brunch. When they discovered I played, they invited me to sit in.

So I’m gonna.


Four Years


Categories: My Story, Things that Are Amazingly Awesome

Four years.

Nearly 700 posts.

Four years ago today, I began documenting my deconstruction from traditional church by launching this blog.

I had a lot to say.

For the first two years, there was hardly a day when I didn’t post. I had so much to say, and it was coming out so furiously, that friends were telling me they couldn’t keep up. Emotions were rampant–anger, pain, joy, and peace–often changing from day to day as I processed my journey.


Wonders In the Sky Above

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Categories: random stuff, Things that Are Amazingly Awesome, Tags: ,

Well, it looks like here in Denver we’re about to get a taste of the massive heat wave plaguing the nation’s midsection. (Predicted high today: 99 Fahrenheit.) But for the past several days the thunderstorms hitting this area have produced a lot of drama–not just street flooding and stuff like that, but I mean drama in the sky.


So I Guess All This Writing and Writing Is Finally Paying Off


Categories: Things that Are Amazingly Awesome

So last fall, I took a freelance writing assignment to contribute to the book pictured on the left. I cover the topic “Great Composers.”

Today I got my copies in the mail.

That’s right; I’m a published author. Aren’t you proud to know me? πŸ™‚

If you want a copy, you have to buy one. They aren’t shipping them out to everyone, you know. I just got mine because, well….I HELPED WRITE IT.


The Daily Book of Classical Music: 365 readings that teach, inspire & entertain


Dude, This Movie Rocks


Categories: movies, Things that Are Amazingly Awesome

Don’t ask me why, but a theater in Tulsa showed the new Star Trek movie a day early. I live in a family of “Trekkies”, so we went to see it.

Oh. My. Gosh.

I won’t give you any spoilers. But despite the young Kirk, the young Spock, and the young other guys…this movie is not a “prequel”, and it is not a “remake” of the original Star Trek. It is actually a sequel. And it is done in a way that opens up a way for them to do future movies, if they want, without compromising the original story line.

How do they do this? You just have to see it to understand. All I will say is that it’s just about the most brilliant, ingenious story-writing I have ever seen.


The Amazing and (Probably) True Story of the Graphic Equalizer of Incredible Sentimental Value


Categories: Things that Are Amazingly Awesome, Things that are too good to keep

In the summer of my sophomore year of college, I spent eight weeks traveling with a Music Ministries team from college. We were called “Frontline.”

Stop laughing; we were Christians in the ’80’s, alright? That name was cool back then. Also cool were our pastel outfits, Miami Vice white sport jackets and big hair. It wasn’t funny; it was cool. (What’s funny is that 22 years later, they are still using the name “Frontline.”)


Favorite Lines from "The Princess Bride"


Categories: fun, movies, random stuff, Things that Are Amazingly Awesome, What the heck was THAT?

So, okay, I’m strange.

I have this thing about injecting movie lines into conversations without warning. People who recognize the movie line usually laugh; others look at me like I have Turret’s or something.

The Princess Bride, in my opinion, has probably more fun and memorable lines than any other movie I’ve seen. So for your amazement amusement…below are five of my favorite lines from this classic:

5. “No more rhymes, now, I mean it.” “Anybody want a peanut?”

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