Categotry Archives: Things that Are Amazingly Awesome


I Soooo Wish I Had Come Up With This One


Categories: Things I Wish I'd Thought Of First, Things that Are Amazingly Awesome, Things that are too good to keep

Hats off to Jonathan of Missio Dei for sharing this awesome story…

Guy walks into a bar and sees three guys engaging a passionate conversation about something. Curious that he is, he walks up to them and asks, “What’s the ruckus?”

“We’re trying to figure out what kind of beer this is,” the first guy says, a little taken aback by the interruption, but immediately turning back to his two friends. “It’s amber color reveals the rich texture of an bass pale ale.”


The Wild One Is an Award-Winning Photographer

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Categories: fun, Things that Are Amazingly Awesome, Wild One

My wife, The Wild One, became a photography student a mere two months ago, in the hope of turning a hobby into a profession.

She took this picture and posted it on Flickr.

Today, just two months after starting her course, she is an award-winning photographer.

Okay, so someone on Flickr gave her an “award” for the photo. It’s kind of like the award I got for being a Subversive Blogger. But…we take what we can get.

Don’t you think it’s an amazingly awesome photograph??

Go to her pages on Flickr and Eyefetch to see more of her photos. Go, do it now.
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