Categotry Archives: Meanderings (look it up)


Thoughts Upon a Christmas Morn


Categories: holidays, Meanderings (look it up)

One of the things about being a morning person and having no small children is that you wake up Christmas morning wondering what to do with yourself until everyone gets up. So here I sit blogging. 🙂

I think perhaps the best memory of this particular Christmas season happened a few weeks ago, when my family and I went to see a theatrical rendition of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. That is one of my all-time favorite Christmas stories, filled with meaning. I love the idea of keeping Christmas in your heart all the year. It was a well-done performance, cheesy at times, but our hearts welled up with the spirit of Christmas at the end.


Why I’ve Stopped Doing God’s Thinking For Him

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Categories: Meanderings (look it up)

This morning, for some reason, I was thinking back to some of my earlier days in the church. Thinking about what a strong sense of vision I had, not just about my own ministry, but for the Church in general. Thinking about things I believed God was doing with His people, and things I actually prophesied were going to happen. And thinking about how much of it I got wrong.

Hang in there: this isn’t a post about being disillusioned. Just gaining perspective. Here’s an example.


The Elusive Variable of Time (part 2)–Faulty Theology


Categories: Meanderings (look it up), My Story

In my earlier, incredibly rambling post about the elusive variable of time, I mentioned that I’d try to make things more tangible by sharing an example of how faulty theology about time can be a bad thing….using an example from my own life.


Deep Stirrings of the Soul

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Categories: How I am, Meanderings (look it up)

I haven’t figured out why this is, and I don’t know if this is true with everyone, but there seems to be certain seasons of the year when my family’s life is prone to transition and change. Late summer/early fall seems to be one of those seasons; I’m not sure I can even recall how many times we’ve encountered a major life change during the months of August, September and October. And for some strange reason, December 19 is a huge day on my historical calendar; it’s remarkable how many significant life events have happened for me on December 19. But I digress…


Post From the Past: Un-Persuaded

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Categories: Meanderings (look it up)

While I’m still recovering from a great time away, here’s another post from the past that I feel deserves repeating. Find out why I am un-persuaded, and how I got that way. Enjoy!


I am a skeptic by nature, but I am not a cynic.

It is difficult to persuade me; but once I am persuaded, it is difficult to un-persuade me.

Once I am convinced of something–even if it ultimately proves to be wrong–I tend to hold onto that belief until it draws its last breath in my life.


Just Thinking Out Loud…

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Categories: Meanderings (look it up)

Yesterday, The Wild One and I had the awesome experience of seeing some dear friends from the past who came to Colorado on vacation–people we had not seen in many years. We had a great time wandering around town and catching up.

The one thing, though, that captured my attention was how intrigued they seemed to be about our story–the story of how our family made the leap of faith to begin pursuing our creative dreams. They seemed inspired and challenged.


Control Issues


Categories: Meanderings (look it up)

I think the next two posts may very well go hand in hand, although they will deal with different topics. That’s all I’m gonna say about it now, to bait you to keep reading…heh heh…

It takes awhile sometimes for God to get through to me, but in looking at a series of events that have unfolded in my life over the past several months, I see a common thread: all of them seem to be exposing my control issues. I am an admitted control freak, and have even referenced it multiple times tongue-in-cheekly on this here blog. But I suppose it’s now time not just to admit it, but to deal with it.


I Actually Said Some Cool Stuff


Categories: General, Meanderings (look it up)

One of the more ironic things about me (please don’t laugh) is that before I began blogging, I never thought of myself as a journal-writer. I thought I didn’t really like to journal about because it was time consuming and I felt I had better things to do.

This self-deception was put to rest when a few years ago we were going through some stuff in storage, and The Wild One pulled out a box full of steno pads I’d filled with notes, most of which I’d never looked at since I’d written in them.


The Cost Of Creativity


Categories: Meanderings (look it up)

I’m still pondering some of the things I wrote about in the last post, about being guided by the God-given desires of our hearts to find a sense of direction. The past couple of days, I’ve identified one of those deep desires in a fresh way. Those who know me would probably roll their eyes back and say, “DUH!”, but I suppose that even though I’ve known this about myself, it has come to me as sort of a fresh revelation:

I thrive on creativity.


He Is Risen…


Categories: Meanderings (look it up)

…He is risen indeed.

It’s a bit surreal for me this morning. Even though I have not associated myself with institutional Christianity for a number of years, I realized this morning that this is the first Easter (Resurrection Sunday, for the purists) in decades that I have not actually been involved in a structured church gathering. When I lived in Tulsa, we celebrated in house church. Even since coming here, I managed to find myself in congregation on Easter Sunday for the past few years because I was helping out with worship. Last Easter was my last day to lead worship at my friends’ church plant, as I sort of broke in their new worship leader they’d hired. So this is literally the first time I’ve had an Easter Sunday with no responsibilities since I was probably in my early teens. Kind of nice, kind of relaxing, but kind of surreal, also.

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