September 11, 2008 by

You’ll Think I’m Making This Up #2: Has It Really Come to This??


Categories: What the heck was THAT?

I’m sharing this true story with permission from my good friend Dr. Fuh. This actually happened, and it’s kind of funny…or it would be if it weren’t so, um, serious…

My good friend Dr. Fuh called me this evening to tell me what happened to him when he left the clinic to go to IHOP for dinner this evening. The waitress who served him saw his scrubs and asked if he was a nurse. No, explained–he was a doctor.

This started some small talk, and Dr. Fuh asked the waitress (whom we’ll call Jennifer–not her real name) what her career aspirations were.

“I’m preparing for the ministry,” Jennifer told him.

“Oh, really? That’s great,” Dr. Fuh said. “Are you going to ORU or someplace?”

“Victory [Bible Institute],” she told him.

“Terrific. What has interested you in going into ministry?”

(Dr. Fuh expected an answer like, “I want to help people,” or “I just want to serve God any way I can…”)

Jennifer said, matter-of-factly, “The money. I’m in it for the money.”

“Really? That’s a pretty straightforward answer,” Dr. Fuh said.

“Oh, yeah. There’s lots of money in the ministry. Just tell people what they want to hear, you know? Have you seen all these huge churches? Plenty of money in there.”

“Well…I appreciate your honesty, anyway.”

Then Jennifer changed the subject. “Are you married?”

Dr. Fuh was a little puzzled. “Yes.”

“Where is your wife? Is she here with you?”

Dr. Fuh was picking up a certain tone. “Umm…she’s back working at the clinic.”

“Have any kids?”

“Not yet. Too busy working.”

“Oh……..,” said Jennifer.

Did you catch all that? First, “Jennifer” brazenly says she is studying for the ministry purely for profit…then she tries to pick up on a married man. Without any apparent sense of shame or subtlety.

Today. In Tulsa. At IHOP.

Wow. Have we really sunk this far?

(BTW…Dr. Fuh’s wife has informed him that he can never go back to IHOP.)

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

6 Responses to You’ll Think I’m Making This Up #2: Has It Really Come to This??

  1. Sarah

    Why am I not shocked? Oh, I remember… it was those Bible College students I worked with at Starbucks all those years ago who were the most difficult to work with. I just hope Dr. Fuh’s experience, and my experience are anomalies.

    (Either that, or she was pulling his chain for her own entertainment. Maybe she’s just an acting student and trying out live performance art during her shift. God, I hope so!)

  2. Lightbearer


    I hate to say it!! But, I think we really have sunk that far as a society. After I thought about it, upon finishing reading your post, mind suddently fell upon the fact that churches are regretably filled with ministers who think this way.

    Based upon all of the money grubbing that I see, I think you and I could sit here all day long emailing names of well known “ministers” back and forth to each other who fall into this category.

    It scares me how cynacle that statementis that I just made. None the less, I think it’s true.

    Pathetically sad, but, none the less true. Wasn’t it this sort of thing that the Book of Malachi was written for?


  3. Amy

    Argh. Sigh…
    I must say, although intially a tad surprised, I’m really not ALL that shocked.
    As Sarah said, there’s one part of me that sincerely hopes she was just pulling Mr. Fuh’s chain (in which the “jokes” aren’t all that funny), but my instinct tells me she was dead serious…which is just plain sad.

    ~Amy 🙂

  4. Jeff McQ

    Sarah & Amy,
    Alas, I'm inclined to believe that this girl was dead serious. And because of the Tulsa ministry-wanna-be climate, I have a feeling that this attitude is becoming more prevalent and out-of-the-closet in these parts. This may be the tip of the iceberg…

    I agree…it's sad. But vice cancels out virtue here, I'm afraid. I have a hard time complimenting her honesty when her brazenness stares us in the face. 🙂

    I recognize that this attitude is extremely prevalent and growing. What makes this story stand out to me, though, is the up-front-ness about her attitude. Most folks with this attitude will still conceal it because there's still some sense that it's wrong and that it won't represent Christ well. But this one was right out in the open about it.

    If I think about it, it seems that's how it goes when sin is left unchecked…it starts in the shadows and eventually makes its way out into the open, until people stop even realizing it's wrong. So it has gone with many cultures, and even in religious cultures in the history of the church. (Remember corrupt priests and indulgences…?)

  5. Lightbearer


    You’ve got a good point. The fact that she said it, probably without even bating an eye is disturbing.

    I didn’t really think about it. But, you’re right most who are this way do conceal it.


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