July 3, 2008 by

Random Blogdom


Categories: fun, random stuff, What the heck was THAT?

Well, it appears a growing number of my blogger friends are on blogger vacation or something. Fewer postings on their blogs, fewer comments that they’re leaving on my blog. Some have other stuff going on. (Glenn, for example, has taken a long-awaited job, and doesn’t have much time, or hasn’t learned yet how to sneak in some blogging at work.) Some are probably out enjoying the summer weather. (Well, that can’t be Heather’s excuse; it’s WINTER where she is.) And this lack-of-blogging epidemic isn’t relegated to us small fry, either; some of the better-known bloggers are taking breaks, too. Brant even had the audacity to announce that he’s taking July off. (The nerve of that guy–not entertaining us during the boringest month of the year next to January.)

*Sigh* I need to get out more.

Speaking of that…I’m delivering flowers again, a few hours a week. I did it over the holidays for Christmas money, I did it over Mother’s Day weekend “just because”, and I’m doing it now for “mad money”. Last flower shop I worked, I had to find everything by a map. But THIS place has a laptop on board with mapping and GPS. Woo hoo! I haven’t figured out how to blog and drive at the same time, though. 🙂 Actually, the other reason I’ve taken this job is that I wanted to “get out”, to expand beyond the circle of my Christian relationships and start putting into practice some of the stuff I’ve been reading, learning and thinking about. I used to hate being out “in the world”, preferring the safety of my institutional church-type job. But this being “salt and light” thing is really stirring my soul.

Summer is always an interesting situation for house church. When several people at once are out for vacation, you feel it a lot more than the typical church setting. (It almost feels like when bloggers take a break.) Three of our four Australians are back in Australia for a wedding; they’ve been gone a month, and have two weeks to go. And in the summer it isn’t uncommon for one or two others at a time to be gone over a weekend. When you stop being so concerned with numbers, though…you learn to take it in stride. Keep feeding them, and they’ll keep coming back. (Just kidding.)

Well…here are some random links to fun and/or interesting blog posts from bloggers who are obviously more committed than some of these other slackers out there…

Aaroneous has posted his Seven Commandments for losing weight. A great list–but I wish he’d quoted them in the NASB rather than the KJV. 🙂
Nick shares about some honest struggles in living by faith and wishing for magic unicorns.
As usual, I loved this cartoon by nakedpastor.
Simple yet profound thoughts on Joy, Dread & Regret by Tina.
Brother Maynard continues to process last week’s missional synchroblog.
And Jim gets kudos for the laugh of the week for sharing the greatest punchline in a fantasy book–ever.

Okay, so obviously, with the exceptions above, it’s getting pretty boring in blogland about now. So let’s take attendance, shall we? If you haven’t commented in awhile, give me a shout out in the comments and tell me your favorite thing about summer (or winter, if you’re Heather), or just say “hey.”

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

12 Responses to Random Blogdom

  1. Aaroneous

    Thank you for the shout-out. What with the lowered summer attendance, your little mention of my little blog gave me a huge surge in comments…3!!

  2. Jeff McQ

    I said “boringest” on purpose. I knows good grammer from skewl (and I’m also an excellent speler), but this out-of-the-boxness sometimes rubs off on the way I write. I mean, WHO SAYS “boringest” isn’t a word? And when you think that way…nobody can beat you at Scrabble. 🙂

    Sam, as you were. Thanks for coming by over and over again.

    Whatever I can do, bro. I like to throw my massive clout around wherever it will do mankind the most good.

  3. Barb

    Jeff, I’m still around….but kinda clueless as to what to write. Summer sun is my favorite and my business is really picking up as well as having company in and out.

    I also decided to limit my google reader to those that I actually comment on. It had gotten so big that I had over 50 blogs a day and I just could not read them all and thus was not commenting hardly at all either. I cut it by about 50 percent.

    So that is me. Keep writing. We need the distraction!

  4. Karenkool

    Blogger has it’s slump times for sure. I still come around, but not everyday [gasp in horror]. (I feel the same way about Brant’s break!! Who does he think he is?)

    Anyway… someone left me a really mean and rude anonymous comment on my “living free and alive” blog, which makes me feel very uncomfortable about just being myself. I now have writer’s block again.

  5. co_heir

    I took a week of while traveling, but I’m back. I haven’t commented on too many blogs because it took me a week and a half just to read all the ones I missed while on vacation.

  6. glenn

    Jeff ~ I sent a copy of this post through my feed reader to my boss to reassure him. O.K., I did while I was at work, but it was a slow day.

  7. Jeff McQ

    Barb, good to hear from you. Enjoy the summer sun! 🙂

    So sorry that happened to you. I have had some pretty nasty comments also–not just on the blog but in person–and I know how it can take the wind out of your sails, like what you have to say isn’t important. But…it is. For what it’s worth, I read every post you write. Don’t let one *%$#$ stop the rest of us from enjoying what you have to say. 🙂


    Summer happens. Glad to hear from you. 🙂

    Hope I didn’t get you in trouble or anything. I was joking, of course. (To Glenn’s boss…I have no knowledge of him blogging at work.)

    And to everyone else who has commented or will yet comment on this post, or has replied on their own blogs…I think I forget sometimes that online people don’t always know when my tongue is in my cheek. Honestly, no explanations are needed as to why you have not been around. I’m not being a crybaby or anything; I was just having a bit of fun over all the not-posting and the I’m-taking-some-time-off posts. Just know you’re welcome here anytime. 🙂

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