March 28, 2009 by

Day, Interrupted–The Sequel: "Freaky Thursday"


Categories: random stuff

So remember all the stuff I told you that happened the first part of yesterday?

I didn’t get to tell you the stuff that happened after that….

After I got the garage cleaned up and had lunch, we decided to blow off some steam and go to a movie. So we went to see Knowing, starring Nicholas Cage.

Knowing is this apocolyptic, freaky-mystery, sci-fi kind of a movie, a lot more compelling than I thought it would be. But what I will likely remember it for has nothing to do with the movie itself.

You’ll think I’m lying about this…I’m not.

During one scene when these two guys are discussing this predicted impending disaster…all of a sudden, the screen faded to black, as though the lights had gone out. And then these emergency strobe lights started flashing at the front of the theater. Then an alarm started buzzing.

We were so engrossed in the movie that it took a moment for it to register to us that what was happening in the theater wasn’t part of the movie. When we finally “woke up” we assumed it was a tornado warning or something, since it had been storming earlier outside.

But then this recorded voice came on the loudspeaker and told us that an “emergency situation” was occuring in the building and we all should leave the building quickly and quietly! Well, that wouldn’t be a tornado warning…

I don’t know if I’m communicating how unbelievably surreal this all was. I mean, we weren’t watching Bambi in there; we were watching this end-of-the-world kind of a movie, and a real-life emergency happens in the theater during a critical scene in the film. The timing could not have been more freaky; it was like living in a movie. 🙂

So we go out of the building and wait in front while a bunch of the employees stand in the foyer with confused, idiotic looks on their faces. A moment later, the manager comes out and tells us all it was a false alarm, and to go back inside and they’ll start the movies up again.

And that was it.

No terrorists. No tornados. No fires in the building. No explosions. No natural disasters.

Just another random event to jolt the adrenaline through my body once again and jostle my already-rattled nerves.

Kind of fun, actually. Almost like one of those Disney World attractions.

Anyway, it’s like Thursday was themed “freaky random occurence day.” Weird.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

3 Responses to Day, Interrupted–The Sequel: "Freaky Thursday"

  1. Milly

    I’ve heard good stuff about the movie.

    That might have been a good addition to it to freak folks out during it.
    From tornado to snow I love Oklahoma!

  2. Gary Delaney


    That is too weird!! I personally don’t believe in coincidences, I think everything happens for a reason. Look how apocolyptic the world situation is becoming even now – G20 summit, talk of one world currency, etc…..


  3. Jeff McQ

    I enjoyed the movie, and the little “interruption” definitely added some flair. 🙂 Only if you see it…imho, it’s inadvisable to let it shape your theology, even with the Biblical references. 🙂 Remember, it’s a STORY…

    I tend not to believe in coincidences either…but the problem I tend to have is being too quick to identify patterns and drawing conclusions from them. A few years ago, a day like that would have totally freaked me out and made me want to hide under the bed. The other day, it was mainly a combination of funny and annoying. 🙂

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