July 7, 2009 by

God Is In the Darkness (Part 1: Afraid of the Dark)


Categories: food for thought, moments of truth, My Story

A bit of a disclaimer concerning this next series of posts. These are ponderings and questionings only, and not intended to be a statement of doctrine or theology. As with so many other things, I’m attempting to think outside the box of religious tradition, but not outside the boundaries of Scripture. So if you find yourself in disagreement with what I say here, please take it for what is is. I’m not holding this too tightly, and neither should you. Feel free to leave comments and discuss, but as usual, be nice. 🙂

Have you ever heard this riddle?

Q: How many charismatics does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Ten–one to change the bulb, and nine to cast out the spirit of darkness.

I have to admit that I have a tendency to overspiritualize things–that is, to assume a spiritual significance to natural occurrences, to discern both the demonic and the divine at work where maybe it’s just a thunderstorm. I do believe the spiritual and natural are intertwined, and certainly one affects the other. I just think sometimes I am too eager to explain one by the other, too eager to interpret the data when sometimes it’s just none of my business what is going on in the spirit world. 🙂

At times, this sensitivity about spiritual things has actually been helpful, and at other times a hindrance. In general, the hindrance has been when I would discern a demonic attack behind every negative thing that might happen to me, or feared that the wrong thing coming into my home–books, movies, something coming over the television, anything–might invite demonic attack. (In my line of work, I felt it was very important that I didn’t leave my family, or myself, vulnerable.) I was very aware of spritual darkness around me, but rather than just walking in the light–I was trying to dodge the “darkness.”

Then I found myself in a season of rest–partly because all the contending and “warring” over a long period of time, without seeing results, pretty much exhausted me. I began leaning myself, my family, and our protection, over on the Lord, and I began to be more interested in what God was doing than what the devil was doing. And I found, to my amazement, that as I did so, the attacks waned considerably. Those negative things that were signs of the demonic stopped almost completely. Even when the “wrong thing” came on the television now and then…peace remained in our home. It was as if the less attention I gave to the demonic, the less the demonic would manifest–like the attention itself was energizing the evil I was sensing.

When I hear other Christians talk the way I used to talk, I am reminded of this season in my life when I was so concerned about “giving place to the enemy”. And recently in hearing it, I have come to a realization about all this that makes a lot of sense. Let’s call it a theory for now:

Maybe it wasn’t my “job” in ministry that invited the attacks. And maybe it wasn’t even “darkness” coming into my home through the airwaves. Maybe it was my own fear that invited it. Maybe it was because I was afraid of the dark.

Abraham Lincoln is reported to have said, “If you look for the bad in mankind, expecting to find it, you surely will.” I think in a sense the same holds true with the spirit world. I also believe that the opposite of faith is not unbelief, but rather fear. If faith is trust and expectation about God and what He is doing, then fear is expectation that bad will prevail. Taken together…I think that in the name of spirituality, I was expecting attacks of the enemy…and so I found it happening everywhere. When I turned my attention in a healthier direction, out of sheer necessity, I stopped being fearful–and I found a much more peaceful existence.

Just for balance and honesty, I still don’t condone just letting anything into my home…but nowadays it’s far less about inviting demons, and far more about what is healthy and beneficial. I also still believe there are times when we resist the devil in our lives, times when there may be a “spiritual attack.” (I recognize that not everyone would describe it this way, but you probably know what I mean.) But because I’m focusing more on what God is doing, I believe God will guide me when there is an enemy that needs to be dealt with directly. The Bible indicates that Jesus Himself was led this way when He walked the earth; there were times that He directly addressed demons, but He also said that He only did what He saw His Father doing. In other words…His attention, first and foremost, was on the Father.

In short, when we live this way…we are letting God choose our battles. A much more healthy way of living, I think. 🙂

Here’s the reason I start this series of posts with this part of my history. Whether we believers like it or not, we live in a world where evil abounds. I think that like so many other like-minded Christians, I was trying to keep my environment as “evil-free” and sterile as possible. But that’s like trying to never get dirt on your feet when dirt is what the planet is made of. We are going to have contact with demonically-influenced activity; we don’t have to invite it. It’s as much a part of the world we live in as the dirt beneath our feet. I’m considering that the key to living peacefully in a dark world is not to avoid it, but simply not to fear it. After all…the devil isn’t the only spiritual force in this dark world….

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. –Psalm 23:4, NIV

The name of this series of posts is “God Is In the Darkness.” In part 2, I’ll try to go more into detail about what I think that means.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

9 Responses to God Is In the Darkness (Part 1: Afraid of the Dark)

  1. Sue

    "I began to be more interested in what God was doing than what the devil was doing. And I found, to my amazement, that as I did so, the attacks waned considerably. Those negative things that were signs of the demonic stopped almost completely. Even when the "wrong thing" came on the television now and then…peace remained in our home. It was as if the less attention I gave to the demonic, the less the demonic would manifest–like the attention itself was energizing the evil I was sensing."


    Absolutely. I fulsomely agree, Jeff. With the extra benefit of not appearing like a total cookazoid to everybody around you. I find the overtalk about demons and such stuff to be creepily unpalatable.

    But then, I know some people who can "see" into this realm where I cannot. If that was more my area then maybe I would talk about it more. Luckily, I don't see into this area (except in a general sensing, on-the-occasion type scenario. I do believe it exists, however but oh how nice to focus on the Father instead.

    Excellent post!

  2. Larry Eiss

    Thank you, Jeff. I am with you on this, Brother. There are SO MANY places where Scripture directs us to set our minds/affections, etc. on Him/things above, etc. that it is a wonder we ever get into this situation. Yet, get into it we do. I appreciate you posting this. It has edified me in important ways, my friend.

  3. Daveda

    I came over here from "A former leaders Journey" I enjoyed this post and I have to say, I agree with your thinking. We seem to want to try to formulate everything in the "church" even spiritual attacks.

    But, I believe that the only "formula" we need is to be lead by the Spirit. My son was sick a long while back and at one point I felt in my Spirit that this was indeed an attack and I felt the motivation, desire,a the authority I needed to do just that rise up in me.

    I like what you said about walking in the light and dodging the darkness. I laughed at the picture my mind painted. 🙂

  4. Gary Delaney


    I can relate totally to what you are saying here. I've been there and done that and bought the tee shirt.

    In this day in which we live, it is so easy to notice what the enemy is up to. But I believe that you are correct to say that it is much healthier to keep your eyes fixed squarely on the Lord and let Him pick your battles for you.

    But honestly, the area in which I struggle the most to keep my eyes on the Lord and away from the what the enemy is doing, is in the politics of our nation.

    Although, I also can see why God is allowing certian things to happen in this arena. It's difficult to keep my eyes off of the news and keep them focused on Him.


  5. Ruth

    Good stuff Jeff. I like your clarity of thought. I have seen both camps and reside somewhere in the middle, leaning more towards being aware of what is going on in the spiritual realm. Looking forward to your posts about it.

  6. Brother Frankie

    i am with you on this.
    seems we have walked a parallel path. i too used to spend so much of my time blaming the demons, careful not to invite that evil in.. lol
    i too am resting now.

    hebrews : says that God keeps setting the clock back to today, so that we may enter into His rest.

    its pretty cool, less exhausting.

    Be Blessed, you are Loved
    Brother Frankie

  7. Jeff McQ

    That is quite interesting. Thanks for linking; gauging from the comments thus far, it seems I'm not the only one who feels this way… 🙂

    Even when I was looking for demons under rocks, I did it "quietly". I didn't creep people out about it who wouldn't "understand". LOL. But you're right…it's much better to focus on the Father.

    I think we have a natural curiosity about the supernatural, and I think God gives us a window into that from time to time. Unfortunately, our attraction to it gets the better of us more times than not–not just through obvious stuff like divination, but even in prayer. I've known so-called intercessors that were so obsessed with the spooky-spiritual and "combating" demonic activity that the manifestations literally followed them around.

    Good to have you visit. I appreciated what you said about being led by the Spirit, especially concerning your son. I think it brings up the important point that we aren't left defenseless when there is a legitmate spiritual attack. We really are given authority when that happens. But it's about letting God reveal it, rather than going around looking for it.

    I can relate to you with regard to what is going on in the world around us, and it is definitely important to keep focused on God. Even so, I think God does give us some insights when we see the world situation, so we can watch and pray. I think that's appropriate, just so long as we remember Who is ultimately in control and don't get overwhelmed by it all.

    Like you, I'm inclined more toward sensing the spiritual, which is why I need this balance myself. 🙂 It's interesting that Sue mentioned she is rather inclined the other way; to me, that brings up the point that not everyone is shaped the same way in our perceptions. We don't all see it the same, which to me adds to the balance.

    Glad you are sharing in this rest. God bless!

  8. Tyler Dawn

    Yeah, living that way was exhausting….. always searching for the devil as if he were more powerful than God. I see him enough to know that he is there and active, but I also see that sometimes crap just happens because it happens. Rain falls on the righteous and on the unrighteous.

    As the Dred Pirate Roberts once said, "Life is pain, Highness, anyone who says differently is trying to sell you something."

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