April 1, 2009 by

I’ve Been Giving This Some Thought…


Categories: Meanderings (look it up), moments of truth

In the past few weeks, I have kind of felt like I’m losing my way on this blog. I have gotten busy again with things that keep me offline, and when I am on here, I find myself struggling with what to say. I labor over the words, and I sometimes don’t even like the post after I write it. And not fishing for feedback or anything…I have noticed my comments on the decline as well, which also makes me think I’m drifting a bit.

The thing is, when you find yourself in that situation, change needs to happen on some level. Either you need to find your stride again, or change your tactic. Because if you are not sensitive to the season, and you just keep trudging along without adapting…you just get more and more stale, until you wake up and find out the whole thing has been dead for a long time, and you’re just the last person to find out.

I don’t want to be that guy.

In thinking it over…I realize that I started this blog to process some thoughts about my journey out of institutional Christianity, and the joys and hurts along the way. I began it for my own benefit, to practice writing it out, and if someone else got encouraged by my words–all the better. And apparently there a few others out there like me. 🙂 But I think the reason I feel stale is…I’ve processed it. I’ve said my piece. It felt really good. And if I keep saying it over and over, it’s going to get more and more stale.

So the question is…where do I go from here? Do I change my focus, or do I move on?

Let me say…I love blogging. Maybe a little too much. I have been holding on sometimes because I simply don’t want to let go. But if I’m going to be honest with myself…I think I have to admit the season is changing.

So after giving it a lot of thought…I have to admit to myself, and you, that it’s time to give this up. So with just under 400 posts to my record…this is my good-bye post.

I know this might seem a bit sudden, since I have given no indication of blog fatigue here before now. I just know I don’t want to keep this up beyond its appointed time. I’ve had quite enough of trying to keep dying things on life support. Every time I do, I miss out on something else that is alive and great.

I want to say that I am truly grateful for the friendships I have made this past year. You input and encouragement have blessed me more than I can say. I know some of these friendships will last way beyond this blog; I hope that all of them will.

Before I press the “publish” button for the last time here…I’d like to leave you with this one last parting thought….

April fool. 🙂

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

12 Responses to I’ve Been Giving This Some Thought…

  1. Cheryl Grigsby

    You stinker.

    I’ve bookmarked your blog for some time, and have lately become a daily reader. I have to say, your words have been an immediate, relevant, daily encouragement. To use an overused phrase, it’s as tho you’ve beeen reading my mail.

    So if God is moving you to something else, I have to say blessed be His name. But for me, I hope you’re around for a long time.

    I’ve never been very good at catching April Fool’s stuff!!

  2. Anonymous

    I was getting pretty sad…I just arrived here and have found alot of "Food for Thought".

    You got me! Good job! 🙂

    Thanks for your time & service!

  3. Barb

    Jeff this is NOT FUNNY!! 🙂
    I have really/actually been feeling this way now for some time. I find that looking at other’s blogs they do seem to change their focus. Either it becomes missional or emergent or they find another way to plug into another conversation. I just don’t really care about those other conversations with the passion I felt for my own journey out of the abusive/institutional church life. So, I was totally tracking with what you said. BUT I have made good friends here and don’t want to cut off conversation with them. I still care about you and others and want to know what is going on in their lives.
    Anyway, all that to say I’m glad you are not going away. But do you have a plan on what to share in the mean time? I’d like some ideas!

  4. Gary Delaney

    Whew!! You had me worried for a minute.

    Lately I’ve not been able to comment much due to being very busy at work and home. But, I do enjoying reading every post. Sometimes I just don’t have the time to think about a response.

    Some of your posts are very thought provoking. Keep it up Jeff it’s all good stuff.


  5. Amy

    You had me! I was soo thinking “no!” Then I read the April Fool! …and a big sigh of relief could be heard from my side of the computer screen.

    Glad you’re stickin’ around, my friend!

    ~Amy 🙂

  6. turnyourears

    actually, i was wondering if much of the emerging church is going to be defined by what they are *not*, rather than what they *are*.

    i understand that we may need a support group ala “institutional church anonymous”, but i see nothing wrong with emerging people/blogs/churches/movements change focus once they find their mission that God has given them.

    thank you for giving a balance between the two.

  7. Evelyn

    You had me going. I just recently subcribed to your reader and was like what? I’m glad you were joking.

    Take care! 🙂

  8. Jeff McQ

    Awww…thanks for the kind remarks, everyone. You’ve convinced me…I won’t shut the blog down. 🙂

    Barb, I’ll respond to you directly since you’re the only one who actually asked a question…I was April Fooling on the whole thing, but what makes something like that convincing is the little bit of truth in it. 🙂 I *have* felt like I’m drifting a little, but I have just attributed it to the season I’m in personally, and never was seriously considering shutting down or changing gears.

    I actually don’t feel like it’s a bad thing to revisit some material or rehash it…especially since there are usually new readers coming by (shout-out to first-time commenters Juan and Evelyn!), and most of them won’t bother to search a year into the archives. 🙂 Having said that…a journey is a journey, and when you’re blogging about your journey, it will reflect the changes that occur in you along the way…so while I can’t say for sure what’s in store, I’ll just keep blogging my perpective as I see it. Plus…there are some things in the incubator that I’m not at liberty to blog about yet, but they will be exciting. So stay tuned… 🙂

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