Wayward Son

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.


Hark! Who Goes There? (and Some Other Stuff)


Categories: random stuff

So I have put this FEEDJIT thing on my blog. You can find it down the page on the right sidebar of my blog. It’s pretty cool because whenever someone visits my blog, from anywhere on earth, anywhere at all…it immediately logs that person’s location, name, address, phone number, photograph, and personally identifying information, including account numbers for any major credit cards they own.

Well, not really. Actually, all it does is log the city, state or country that person is visiting from. And you can tell FEEDJIT to ignore your visits, so you can remain incognito, if you want. And you can even tell FEEDJIT to lie and say you are visiting from, say, Saskatoon, when you are really visiting from somewhere in Kansas. And lots of times it says someone is visiting from some exotic place, like “United States”, which tells me pretty much nothing. So it’s actually pretty useless.


A Beautiful Fountain in the Middle of the Crap


Categories: food for thought, Meanderings (look it up)

One thing about delivering flowers is that you often get to see people in their natural habitat. When you go to someone’s home with flowers, they usually aren’t expecting you, so you’re seeing the “real deal”–what the house looks like when they aren’t expecting anyone, what they look like when they aren’t expecting anyone–you’re catching life as it happens for them. And I’ve seen some very interesting things along the way. 🙂

Take, for example, the last delivery of the day on Friday. I pulled up to a fairly small piece of property in a rural area, fenced in with wire fencing, plastered with signs that read, “No Tresspassing”, “Keep Out”, “Armed Guard on Duty”, “Beware of Dog”. (Yes, all those signs were there.) Enclosed by the fence was this chaotic, junked-up enigma of a place–sheds that looked like they were made of scrap metal, the remains of a stripped car sitting in the tall grass, and so much clutter you couldn’t even tell if there was a house back behind it that someone could live in. I don’t think it was officially a junkyard, but it could have been.


Square Peg


Categories: Rantings, whine-and-opine

Sometimes being outside the walls of institutional church feels exciting to me, even hopeful. It’s like there’s a whole new way of looking at church, ministry, and Christ-following, and when you remove the typical parameters of “churchiness” from these, it’s like whole new realms of possibility open up–because there aren’t nearly as many requirements as to what ministry can look like. You can potentially get very creative about it, and still keep the heart of what the Scriptures intended, maybe even more so. The possibilities seem endless. And when I think of this, sometimes I get excited. Hopeful, even.


Love Is…Kind


Categories: "Love Is...", food for thought, love

Here, I continue my musings and meditations on 1 Cor. 13:4…

Sometimes I envy the Greeks. (Oops, love isn’t supposed to be envious–see farther down 1 Cor. 13. Sorry, Greek people.)

Anyway, the Greek language (in which the New Testament was written) carries so much more meaning than ours does. One Greek word sometimes can take a paragraph of English to try and describe its meaning–and even then doesn’t always do it justice. So when we translate from Greek to English, some of the deeper nuances can be lost. Add to that the fact that we English-speakers are actually losing some of the deeper sense of meaning from our own language, and even more gets lost in translation.


Interludish Type of Post


Categories: random stuff

My friend Aaroneous has drawn a line in the sand pledging not to blog about something unless he really feels it.

*Sigh* I wish I had his ideals. I have taught him much, but this he did not learn from me. If I got nothing, I often post anyway. Like with this post right here.

My name is Jeff, and I am a compulsive blogger. (Oh, great. ANOTHER thing to go to counseling about.) 🙂

But to come to the point…let me tell you why I am posting this waste-of-time interludish post today.


Me Do Man Thing


Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?

(In honor of the total manliness of this post…the following is brought to you in caveman-speak.)

Jeff very manly. Me do man thing.

Me fix toilet all by self.

Toilet not shut off right. Me fix. All by self.

Me mess with toilet thing late into night other night, figure out why not shut off right. Problem with ballcock. Need new ballcock.

(No laugh. Me not name these things. That what it called.)

Me go to big blue building where man buy manly things. Women there, too. Me okay with that–me not shovenist cheauxvenist chouv–me okay with that.


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