August 6, 2008 by

Twenty Years Ago Today…


Categories: love, Wild One

…I did something that, apart from the choice to follow Jesus, has turned out to be the best decision I have ever made.

Twenty years ago today…I married my best friend.

From the very first time I saw her, at the beginning of our freshman year of college, The Wild One has captivated my attention and intrigued me. From the very first week, we talked about everything. We were going steady within two months. And three years later, we were married.

She says she fell in love with me when I made her laugh. (So okay, it wasn’t my biceps.) And ever since, I have been on an eternal quest to make her laugh again and again. Her laughter is simply addictive. And contagious.

Truth is, she makes me laugh as much as I make her laugh. And she doesn’t even have to try as hard as me. And that laughter has helped carry us through some very dark days together.

She is beautiful, she is joyful, she is full of wild, unbridled life. She is the mother of our incredible son, The Director. She is my greatest fan and my most honest critic. She has stood by me when everyone around told her not to. And she is far more than I deserve.

Her smile lights my world, and my heart still leaps when she walks into the room. She is, in every way, my soulmate.

Twenty years ago…we began an adventure together that has taken us to heights and depths, molded and shaped us, and bonded us. And I wouldn’t have missed a moment of it. And we’re not even halfway through the ride. (She tells me she is signing on for another 20 years, at least.)

Happy Anniversary, my love…my friend for life.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

12 Responses to Twenty Years Ago Today…

  1. Lightbearer

    Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!! Obviously God has blessed your first 20 years together, I pray that He blesses your next 20 years and more!!

    I can certianly say Amen!! To what it feels like when God blesses you with a wonderful spouse. We just celebrated 12 years together!!


  2. tysdaddy

    “She has stood by me when everyone around told her not to. And she is far more than I deserve.”

    Methinks I married The Wild One’s twin sister.

    Congrats you guys!

  3. co_heir

    Congratulations! We just celebrated 28 years last month and I wouldn’t go back and change the decision to marry for anything.

  4. Steve Bradley

    Congratulations! You have us beat by two years. Just had our 18th on 7/28…

    You do your bride justice by your loving description of her — even if you don’t deserve her 🙂

  5. KELLY

    Congrats to you! My hubby and I just celebrated 21 years….is that possible? I mean, I am sure you guys are not over 30 years old either? 🙂

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