January 12, 2008 by

Totally off the subject and random


Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?

When I was in college, I had to take a grueling music history course that met 5 mornings a week, for two full semesters (well, actually it was two courses: Music History I, and Music History II). (That was a redundant way of saying the same thing twice, wasn’t it?) Anyway, to try and keep awake and break the monotony, one bright student created a fictional character called Dinkeldorf the Dragon, and he’d write down a story starter like, “Dinkeldorf was walking along the beach one day, his fiery tongue flapping in the breeze, when all of a sudden…” Then he’d pass the paper around the room and we’d all contribute, and the stories would get hysterical. Great way to pass the time.

So, one of my former classmates (who is also a blogger, see http://www.karennkool.blogspot.com/), who is also one of my many only readers, suggested that I share some stories from the Dinkeldorf days. But I thought I’d do one better. I’m going to start a Dinkeldorf story and let you add to it! This will do one of two things: it will either get very hysterical and entertain us all for days to come; or it will demonstrate just how lame a blogger I am and how few people actually read my crap. Either way, I’m feeling entertained now, so that’s what really matters.

Rules are simple: Post your contribution in comments; begin where the last person leaves off with “…”, and end with a “…” so someone else can add on. Ready? Here we go:
Oh, wait, just one moment…Scott, if by some strange chance you’re reading this, and you happened to copyright the name/character “Dinkeldorf”, forgive me. I didn’t know.

Okay, ready? Here we go for real:

One day Dinkeldorf woke to a beautiful day. Besides smelling the smoke in his own nostrils, he caught the whiff of wildflowers in the gentle spring breeze. Dinkeldorf loved spring! So he decided to take a train ride through the countryside. He packed his picnic basket with the leftover scraps of the valiant knight he’d scorched the night before, and set off. But he had barely gotten a few steps from his lair when…

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

9 Responses to Totally off the subject and random

  1. Karenkool

    He felt a strange rumbling in his second stomach (he actually has four–kind of like a cow, but Dinkeldorf was always very self-aware). He thought it was just a passing feeling, and continued on his way. Sadly, he was mistaken.

    It all happened on his train ride to the countryside, when abruptly he began to…

  2. Jeff McQ

    …cough and choke as a piece of gnarled armor from the knight he’d eaten two days before lurched out of his second stomach and lodged in his throat.

    He staggered to the forward part of the train and made motions to the train conductor that he was choking, unable to breathe. Thankfully, the conductor…

  3. Anonymous

    looked the other way just as Dinkeldorf coughed up the gnarled armor and the knight, who by the way was the condutors’ WIFE.

    When the condutor turned around to see his wife sitting there with the insides of the dragons second stomach, her armor, and all sorts of flowers all wet and slimmy all over his wife, and Dinkeldorf the dragon looking sheeply at the conductor.

    The conductor jumped from the train and ran to …

  4. crr

    the train depot for help. Dinkeldorf ran behind him, yelling in his scary dragon voice; “Wait, I did not mean to eat your wife. She was in the midst of the tulip garden where I always snack for lunch and dinner! Wait! Wait! Let me explain!” but…

  5. Jeff McQ

    …just then a dangling piece of perfumed fabric from the conductor’s wife’s half-digested scarf managed to fly into one of Dinkeldorf’s smoking nostrils…which, of course made him feel a sneeze coming on…and as everyone knows, a fire-breathing dragon sneeze can be lethal to anyone or anything that happens to be around…

  6. Anonymous

    “OH NO, NO, NO, I can’t sneeze now. What do I do!” Dinkeldorf, was screaming inside of his head. Just as the sneeze was about to erupt, Dinkeldorf turn his head to his left and there to his amazment (was what everyone in their small town knew would keep him from sneezing) Dinkeldorf bend down to….

  7. Jeff McQ

    …sniff the rare “Boohah Daisies” that grew only in that part of the world, which happened to be growing there on the side of the road. At first, this did the trick, and the lethal sneeze was averted. Unfortunately, when Dinkeldorf deeply inhaled the sneeze-soothing aroma of the daisies, he also inhaled a bumblebee that happened to be bumbling around the patch of flowers. When the bee tickled the inside of his nose, before he could stop it…A–CHOO!!

    The town was leveled, and everyone in it burned to a crisp. Then Dinkeldorf went home because there was no one left to talk to.

    The End

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