April 29, 2008 by

Subversive, subversive, subversive…bwahahahaha


Categories: What the heck was THAT?

WARNING: The writer’s tongue is firmly inserted into his cheek for this post.

So I got this Subversive Bloggers Award the other day, and true to form, I played it up like I’d won an Oscar. Then I find out Shawn apparently thinks this whole thing is a crock. Oh, well.

Seriously, though, he brings up the question: If you say you’re subversive, how can you really be subversive? Almost like, If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, did it make a sound? It’s one of those questions that can just bounce around in your brain and go around and around and you can’t really answer it, but you think about it for days.

I didn’t sleep well last night. Thanks, Shawn.

What’s funny about this to me is, honestly, I’m the last person you’d take to be subversive. I have been a compulsive rule-keeper all my life. I like rules. Not only do I like to keep them, but I like to help others keep them, too–which is probably why I got beat up so much as a kid.

I didn’t find myself outside the walls because I was wild and untame-able. No, that would be my wife. I’m the one who went out kicking and screaming and grieving. (Now that I’m out here, of course…it’s kinda cool.)

So anyway, when someone like me gets the word “subversive” attributed to him…it gets me all tingly inside. Like even now, I’m kind of giddy. Uh-oh, here it comes…….

I’m…SUBVERSIVE!! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

(Excuse me for a moment while I rub my hands together with an evil glint in my eye.)

The point is made, though–if we turn this meme thing into some way to pat ourselves on the back for being subversive, it could kind of ruin the point. But I think it’s okay as long as we don’t take ourselves–or the “award”–too seriously.

Gotta go…there’s some evil church system somewhere today that must be quietly sabotaged from the inside. Mwahaha.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

8 Responses to Subversive, subversive, subversive…bwahahahaha

  1. Barb

    Don’t forget the subversive Uniform seems to be your pj’s (ht – Sonya and Grace) If we are going to be subversive we at least have to adhere to the rules!

  2. Jeff McQ

    As I said on Shawn’s blog…I do not blog in my PJs. (By refusing to wear the accepted uniform of a subversive blogger, does that make me,um, a SUBVERSIVE subversive????)

    Think THAT one over while you sleep tonight. 🙂

  3. Sarah

    LOL! Thanks for the encouragement, Jeff. I took it as positive exhortation, not a badge for “cool”. I think affirmation is good, especially for people who are troublemakers (as Grace put it) and are used to hearing the opposite.

  4. deconstructedchristian

    Subversive is as subversive does. Does a subversive blog in pyjamas? In my case – not while at work. I think my co-workers and boss might disapprove.


    Thanks for the award, truly subversive or not.

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