April 22, 2009 by

So Now They Aren’t Secretaries; They Are "Administrative Professionals". Anyhow…Today Is Their Day

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Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?

Do you ever wish we’d just name something and stick with it? I mean, instead of making it longer and more wordy?

Like “salespeople” in the stores are now “customer service experts”? Or “waiters” and “waitresses” are now “food service transport technicians?”

Today is Secretary’s Administrative Professionals Day. I know this, not because I have a secretary administrative professional working for me, but because I’ve been called in early to the flower shop this morning to deliver lots of flowers to secretaries administrative professionals all over town.

And get this…if you’re a secre administrative professional, you don’t just have this day–you have the whole week. That’s right. All week long it’s “Administrative Professionals Week”, with an extra-special day right in the middle.

Wikipedia tells me this week has actually had several names. First it was National Secretary’s Week; then it was changed to Professional Secretary’s Week; and now it’s Administrative Professionals Week. Why can’t we make up our minds, hm?

I find it a bit suspicious that Secretary’s Week was invented by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer in 1952. Hmmmm. Ulterior motives, possibly?

{The author of this post stops momentarily to finger his goatee knowingly.}

And why do you suppose it’s for the whole week? My guess–since the Secretary of Commerce happened to be a man, he was thoughtful enough to designate the whole week for the benefit of all the bosses (most of whom at that time were men) who were inevitably going to forget to give flowers to their secretaries (most of whom at that time were women) on Secretary’s Day.

Yeah, that’s got to be it. National Secretary’s Week wasn’t really for the secretaries, but for the bosses. Nice way to cover tail, don’t you think?

I wonder if President Obama will remember to give flowers to Secretary Administrative Professional of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Or to Administrative Professional of the Treasury Timothy Geithner. Or to those other guys.

Okay, all joking aside…if you are an administrative professional, thank you for all the hard work you do, and all the stuff you juggle. You deserve all the kudos (and flowers) you can get.

Or, um, if you happen to be a male administrative professional…maybe you’d prefer a steak. Or box seats. Or chrome hubcaps.
Or, um…if you are a female administrative professional…you might like the chrome hubcaps, too….er…I mean, not to say you wouldn’t…if you wanted them…um…
Whatever. Anyhow…enjoy your day week.


Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

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