April 7, 2008 by

People Who Want to Talk to Bono


Categories: fun, music, What the heck was THAT?

I have a friend I meet with regularly at Starbucks–a musician friend. A couple of times he’s talked about how he’d like to sit down with Bono of U2 and ask him a few questions sometime. I chuckle inside when he tells me this because he sounds so matter-of-fact about it–like the biggest rockstar on the planet is going to sit down with him and have lunch or something.

But the other reason I’m chuckling…is that I feel exactly the same way. I would absolutely love to have lunch with Bono and pick his brain sometime. When I make it big in the music biz, he’ll probably come knock on my dressing room door after a concert sometime, and he and I can go get some coffee, and…

Oh, crap. Mind-melding again. Sorry about that.

Anyhow…what makes me think of this now is that Sam posted on his blog about how he’d like to meet Bono and have a conversation with him sometime. Just as matter-of-fact as if he’d been sitting with my friend and me at Starbucks. (Is this a virus or something?)

So it got me thinking…how many people out there would like to sit down and chat with Bono sometime? I don’t mean people who are starstruck who want him to sign their navel and take a picture with him. I mean people who want to have an intellectual conversation with him and find out what he thinks.

So if you’d like to talk to Bono…respond in the comments with:
  1. Your name (first name only is OK).
  2. What ONE question you’d most like to ask him.
I’ll print the list out, and the next time Bono and I go for coffee, I’ll give him the list. (After I’m done asking my own questions, of course.)

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

4 Responses to People Who Want to Talk to Bono

  1. samwrites2


    Why did you decide to be a Rock singer who is Christian (i.e. believes Jesus is his savior) as opposed to a Christian singer as in CCM music?

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