January 29, 2009 by

Okay, Since You’ve Obviously Been Wondering…Here’s 25 Random Things About Me


Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?

Okay, so I’ve now been tagged twice for this, both times in Facebook…first by Jim, and now by Karen. But since my blog is linked to my Facebook, and I spend most of my time in blog-land…I’m posting it here so it’ll show up in both places. 🙂

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. you are obviously exempt if you have already posted.

Okay, here goes…

  1. I have a weakness for chocolate. I have a saying: “If it’s not chocolate, it’s not dessert.”
  2. I like strawberry shortcake, but don’t serve it to me and try to tell me it’s dessert. That’s a fruit. (For further explanation, see item 1.)
  3. Although I was skinny as a rail as a teenager, I am currently approximately 80 pounds overweight. (Probably due to items 1 and 2.)
  4. I have lost 14 pounds in the first four weeks of 2009…for a total of 28 pounds lost since I finally made the decision to start losing weight. So in a few months, we’ll probably be able to cross out items 1 and 2. 🙂
  5. I listen to my son’s music collection…and like it. (Well, some of it.)
  6. I am a pack rat.
  7. I am a secret fan of Strong Bad. Except it’s no longer a secret. I love random humor.
  8. I did the soundtrack for my son’s first short film, which is currently in the final stages of post-production.
  9. I was valedictorian in my high school graduation–in a class of four. (When people ask if I was in the top 25% of my class, I tell them…I was the top 25% of my class.)
  10. I tend to get motion sick if I am not the one driving.
  11. One of my favorite ways to relax is to lay on the couch, turn on the TV…and go to sleep.
  12. When I was three, I wanted to be Johnny Cash. I strummed a ukelele while singing his songs, and shook my mother’s keys to simulate applause.
  13. I no longer want to be Johnny Cash. First of all–he’s dead. Second–I now know about the drugs. Still…he’s one of my favorites. These days…I want to be Bono.
  14. Stargate Atlantis is one of my favorite television shows. I’m heartbroken that they ended the series. One of my favorite characters is John Shepherd, because he has a poster of Johnny Cash.
  15. Yardwork is my idea of nothing to do.
  16. Among my previous occupations are: waiter, piano salesman, bookstore stock person, and bill collector.
  17. I have a hidden talent of being able to walk into a freshly painted room and get paint on my clothes without touching the walls.
  18. I am not the one you want painting your room.
  19. My high school Spanish teacher was a white blonde lady who went by “Mrs. Wong.”
  20. I don’t really like having music in the background. When music is on, I want it in the foreground. I want to listen to it. I don’t want to listen to you talking to me over it. For this reason, my favorite place to listen to music is alone in the car.
  21. I was reading before I was in Kindergarten; props to Sesame Street.
  22. In college, I could reenact most of the Bill Cosby: Himself video by heart.
  23. I can do “Elvis-style” karate. Sort of. It helps when “Suspicious Minds” is playing. I can also do the “lip” pretty good.
  24. I have never jumped out of an airplane.
  25. I don’t drink coffee. (But you probably already knew that.)

So there you have it. Consider yourself tagged.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

2 Responses to Okay, Since You’ve Obviously Been Wondering…Here’s 25 Random Things About Me

  1. Amy

    Thanks for doing this Meme/Tagged list!

    Ha ha ha! Love that your blonde Spanish teacher’s name was Mrs. Wong!!

    I, too, love Strawberry shortcake. One of my favorites.

    As well, Johnny Cash…excellent musician/singer.

    I have actually jumped out of an airplane/skydived! Did it tandem with a friend, way back during my college years. Neat experience.

    ~Amy 🙂

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