March 18, 2009 by

No, We Didn’t Buy Vodka For Our Underage Teen During Spring Break…Well, We Did, But Not the Way You Think


Categories: What the heck was THAT?

So like I said before…today The Director began a three-day film shoot, and once again we are all involved. The Wild One is doing the lighting, and I’m doing the sound. This time The Director has trained two of his friends to run the camera, so he’s free to focus on the monitor. Three of his cast members are in high school, and it’s spring break, so it’s perfect timing for them.

The script involves the consumption of alcohol (the cast members are playing slightly older people), so we needed a bottle of liquor for the film–not for drinking, but for pouring. The cast will drink flat soda made to look like liquor.

While we enjoy wine for special meals once in awhile, we don’t have any use for the stronger stuff, and don’t keep any around. So yesterday afternoon, while running errands, we stopped at a liquor store to pick some up. And since in our state The Director (who turns 19 this week) is legally not allowed to set foot in liquor stores…The Wild One and I left him in the car and went inside.

After looking at a few of the whiskey bottles, we decided for the sake of time it would be better to buy vodka–because vodka is clear, we could just use some flat 7-Up as a substitute and wouldn’t have to mess with trying to match the color by watering down cola.

So I picked up a particularly decorative bottle and went to the cashier, who was helping another customer. While we waited for our turn, I looked out the window to The Director, still sitting in the car, and held up the bottle of vodka for his approval, to make sure the bottle looked “cinematic” enough for him.

All of a sudden, The Wild One and I started cracking up, because in an instant we realized what this must have looked like to anyone who might have been watching this transaction.

No…we were NOT buying our underage son vodka for spring break.

Well, actually, we were, I guess…but it’s not what you think. We weren’t…I mean…

…Oh, heck, mind your own business.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

4 Responses to No, We Didn’t Buy Vodka For Our Underage Teen During Spring Break…Well, We Did, But Not the Way You Think

  1. Karenkool

    Well, I hope you didn’t pour that good stuff down the drain!!!! You can make some wicked good penne in vodka sauce.

    Hope the filming is going well. Funny story.

  2. Cheryl Grigsby

    Good lesson not to be too quick to judge.

    Then I realize how righteously I judge others for being judgmental. Sigh……

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