August 18, 2008 by

An Interview With Myself on the Occasion of My Two Hundredth Post


Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?

Q: Jeff, it’s a real privilege to interview you. I’ve enjoyed your blog ever since you started it.
A: Thanks, Jeff. Great to talk to you, too. I mean, we’ve had lots of conversations in private, but I’m glad we finally get to speak publicly.

Q: So…this is your 200th blog post. How do you feel?
A: Pretty awesome, actually. Two hundred is one of my top ten all-time favorite numbers.

Q: Why?
A: No reason. Just a random number.

Q: Do you have a particular favorite blog post?
A: Jeff, it’s so hard to choose. These blog postings are like my 200 children, you know? How do you pick a favorite?

Q: What’s the best thing about blogging, in your opinion?
A: Well, besides the fact that it is a way to be completely narcissistic in front of the whole world, and get away with it…

Q: Yeah, I know what you mean.
A: …Well, besides that…it’s been great meeting lots of new friends online. You know, other bloggers who come and leave comments, and you go and read what they write and leave comments. It’s really cool to have that kind of community, especially since a lot of us are processing a lot of hard stuff. Gives me someone else to talk to besides you.

Q: Do you ever get any negative comments?
A: Well, most of the time the comments are great…but yeah, once in awhile you get some wise guy who just wants to put in his two cents’ worth and just piss you off or something.

Q: What do you do when that happens?
A: I just delete ’em. I mean, it’s my blog, and I love being in total control over my blog. No room for dissent. That’s my motto.

Q: But doesn’t that defeat the purpose of discussion?
A: Hey, watch it. You want me to delete you?

Q: Does your wife ever read your blog?
A: The Wild One? Oh, yeah, like she’s one of my biggest fans. Never misses a post. Especially when I go to her and say, “Honey, go to my blog and read what I wrote.” Works every time.

Q: Does your mom ever read your blog?
A: Man, I hope not.

Q: Who’s your pick for president?
A: President of what?

Q: A few days ago, you posted about wanting to charge people to read your blog. Did you ever get any takers on that?
A: Nope. Online people are such tightwads.

Q: How do you respond to the rumors that you are schizophrenic, or have multiple personalities?
A: The rumors aren’t true. I’m not schizophrenic.
A: Me, neither.

Q: Then how do you explain interviewing yourself?
A: Barbara Walters was busy, and Oprah wasn’t interested.

Q: Again, it’s been great talking to you. Any final thoughts?
A: Yeah. Keep reading. It’s a blast keeping in touch with everyone. Here’s to the next 200.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

15 Responses to An Interview With Myself on the Occasion of My Two Hundredth Post

  1. Jim

    Funny! Congrats on making 200! Weirdly enough, I am within 20 of 500 now – I didn’t know when I started if I had five blog posts in me, let alone 500. Weird, eh?

  2. Jeff McQ

    Thanks, Jim, for the support. 🙂

    Q: How long have you been having conversations with yourself?
    A: As long as I can remember, dude.

    Thank you.
    Thank you.
    Thank you.

  3. abmo

    Congrats, 200 eh? I’m jealous. It will take me years. Grrrr.

    Oh well, I pray that God will bless your writing and I will eagerly await the next 200!!

  4. tysdaddy

    Your schizophrenic reply? Reminded me of the old lyric from Styx’s “Double Life”:

    “I’m schizophrenic and so am I.”

    Very witty post . . .

  5. KELLY

    That is hysterical! Working for a psychiatrist, I see people talking to themselves all the time…but, not one of them has been this productive and informative!

  6. deconstructedchristian

    Congratulations! I never even thought to look at my number of posts…. lemme check…. 281. Gosh, you’re going to catch up soon and your blog’s barely started! Amazing!

  7. Steve Oberg

    Soo, which one of you does most of the writing? Is one of you the idea person and the other one better at witty prose, or do you share the duty?

  8. Jeff McQ

    Q: Thank you, all, for your kind words.

    A: I want to thank everyone for the nice stuff they said.

    Or did I just say that???


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