Tag Archives: ramblings


God, Like It or Not

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Categories: food for thought, Tags: ,

I had an interesting experience yesterday.

Something you might not know about me is that as an ordained minister, I sometimes officiate weddings. I am called upon at times by a Christian wedding chapel owner to help out with ceremonies where no pastor is pre-selected.

The ceremony I officiated yesterday was the first one I’ve done in which the couple distinctly asked for no official mentions of God. The woman in particular had been raised in a strict religious upbringing, and while I wouldn’t call her anti-God, it was apparent in our pre-marital conversation that she sees God in a stern, disciplinary light, and she wanted her ceremony to be about celebrating the two of them as a couple. It was as though she was afraid to bring God into the picture, like that might cast a shadow on the celebration, somehow.


Sometimes the Small Blessings Are the Biggest


Categories: Meanderings (look it up), Tags: , ,

One of the interesting things about being self-employed and setting your own schedule is that sometimes you have to tell yourself to take a break.

I get a little tired of squinting at this screen sometimes, but I actually really enjoy the dynamic of working as a freelance writer. This laptop is my “office”, and I can literally work anywhere there is a Wi-Fi signal. As I’ve done my due diligence the past year and a half, I’ve accumulated more writing assignments and opportunities, adding even more flexibility.  I love the fact that if I need some extra money, I can just sit down and write more stuff. 🙂


Lots of Muddled Fragments

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Categories: General, How I am, Meanderings (look it up), Tags:

There are lots of muddled fragments going around inside my head, probably enough for several blog posts. But right now they are just kind of disjointed and fragmented.  So don’t be surprised if this blog post doesn’t amount to much. 🙂


So the End of the World Didn’t Happen–NOW What Do We Do?

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Categories: food for thought, Meanderings (look it up), Tags: ,

Obviously, rumors of our rapture, and the subsequent pending apocalypse, have been greatly exaggerated. 🙂

At least, I hope so. (Anyone still out there? Anyone?)

The end of the world has been wrongly pinpointed before, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard this much chatter about the previous (non)-incidents. Thank you, Facebook and Twitter.


What Does Mission Really Look Like? (part 2)


Categories: church, missional, Tags: , , ,

First of all…Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers. 🙂

In my previous post, I began rambling about my re-thinking of what mission is, and what it really can look like in the Biblical sense. I talked about how I think we need to get back to the basics with this idea, stripping off the ulterior motives and getting back to something closer to what Jesus modeled for us. (If you need more detail, read the last post to get caught up.)

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