April 2, 2009 by

Hey! Watch Where You’re Aiming That Thing!


Categories: Rantings

Can I just say something that ought to be painfully obvious?

The Word of God is not a weapon we are to use against other people.

This might not sound very loving and tolerant (and if not, forgive my humanness here)…but among the few things in this world that still piss me off–one of them is smug, self-righteous Christians who use the Scriptures combatively against their brethren (and even against non-believers), entertaining the profound delusion that they are somehow doing God a favor by doing so.

You see this type of thing all the time: some poor unwitting soul who shows up at the wrong place and time, and finds himself cornered by one of these religious Rambo-commandos. You can almost see the poor guy or girl crouching for cover helplessly as the Scriptures start flying–rat-tat-tat-tat-tat–spewed rapid-fire like some kind of machine gun. Sometimes the words are spoken with some sort of feigned “righteous” anger; but sometimes they are spoken with a sticky-sweet smile, which causes them to hurt even worse. Either way, the Scriptures come flying with no mercy…because you see, these people are not just interested in winning the debate. They want to annihilate it. And when the battering is over, the Christian calmly brushes off his three-piece suit (sarcasm intended) and walks away, self-satisfied in a job well done, while the victim still tries to grasp what has just happened.

And the really sad part is…you can tell that many of these Christians actually enjoy this. Some even boast about it to others as though it is something to be proud of, something that gives them prestige–that their knowledge of the Scriptures enables them to silence any opposition. They relish the pain that registers on the faces of their victims, because, of course, this means they have “gotten through” to them, and maybe now God can “get hold” of them. When actually, the victim is just hurt, because someone naming the name of Christ acted more like a terrorist.

Kind of like the Crusades, only without physical bloodshed.

Look, I am fully aware that numerous times in Scripture, the Word of God is referred to as a “sword”. But in none of those instances do I see that this “sword” is a weapon we are to use on each other. None. In Ephesians 6, the “sword of the Spirit” is described as part of the armor of God, but it is in the context of withstanding spiritual principalities (namely, Satan and his minions). And in Hebrews 4, the Word of God is referred to as “sharper than a two-edged sword”; but in context, that Scripture is talking about how the Word of God is able to judge our own thoughts and intentions.

I’m not saying there isn’t a time and place for confrontation, because there is. And certainly it is right for brothers and sisters to discuss the Scriptures and grapple with their interpretation. But I think you probably get what I’m talking about here. The more I ponder this–and I’ve been as guilty as the next guy–I just don’t see any Biblical justification for using the Scriptures combatively against our fellow man. I don’t see where we have the authority to lift “power verses” out of the Bible, load them into our spiritual guns, and use them to silence disagreement, win arguments, or otherwise prove our supposed spiritual prowess. In fact, we need to consider that when we use the Bible this way, we are mis-using it. We are, in effect, taking the Word of God and commandeering it as a weapon for our own purposes instead of God’s.

Isn’t that basically taking something holy and profaning it?

So to all followers of Christ…let us consider before we just start swinging. If you feel tempted to take aim at someone with the Scriptures–watch where you are aiming. It’s time we stop being irresponsible with this sword, and remember what the Scriptures are for.

And here’s a hint–they aren’t for hitting your fellow man.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

9 Responses to Hey! Watch Where You’re Aiming That Thing!

  1. co_heir

    I learned to do that in Bible college. Learn all the proof texts for the various doctrines so you can “defend the faith”. Our athletic teams mascot was even the Defenders.

    Now I cringe when I see apologetics conferences advertised, because I know that they are teaching how to win arguments with the “infidels”.

  2. Amy

    I fully understand everything mentioned here in this post. My friend…and to all our other brothers and sisters in the Body…my heart goes out to you, and they, when we the Scripture guns begin pummeling.

    Truly, Jesus never played Scripture-darts with those He spoke to. It’s simply not the heart of Love. Besides, Truth stands for itself. We need not use Scripture as a weapon.

    Love what you said here: “When actually, the victim is just hurt, because someone naming the name of Christ acted more like a terrorist…Kind of like the Crusades, only without physical bloodshed.”

    Indeed, Love does not rejoice by warring. Love is demonstrated (in one manner, of many) through respectful, authentic language.

    ~Amy 🙂

  3. Sam

    Have you ever noticed that these folks only know parts of Scripture, pulled out of the context of the entire message of Scripture? They are betting that their listener knows even less Scripture than they do, and therefore will accept their selective “interpretation”. The best defense is a thorough knowledge of Scripture, which really upsets these people.

    Instinctively most people know that unless the sword wielder has taken the time to build a caring relationship with their listener, they are probably on some sort of “religious crusade”, be it personal or as a mercenary for some religious organization.

    If you have words of doom to deliver to me because I don’t wear the right clothes, don’t vote for the right politicians and political issues, have incorrect views on baptism and the role of women, or whatever your “pet” issues are, spend some time building a relationship with me before delivering your message. Otherwise I’ll toss it out with the trash, and probably decide you’re a bit crazy.

  4. Jeff McQ

    Almost makes me glad I didn’t go to Bible college. 🙂 (J.K., I know there are some good ones out there. But still.)

    There are those who believe blasting people with Scripture is actually an act of love. I disagree. Truth (or our version of it) does not equal love in and of itself; otherwise Scripture would not say to “speak the truth *in* love.”

    Another thing to consider…the only people Jesus actually “blasted” in a confrontational way were self-righteous religious types. 🙂

    You said, “They are betting that their listener knows even less Scripture than they do, and therefore will accept their selective ‘interpretation’. In all fairness…I think many of these folk honestly believe their own selective interpretations, thinking this is the “right” way to interpret said Scripture. Some might be deliberately trying to deceive and manipulate, but many truly think they are doing the right thing.

    I’m trying to evolve into an emergent, po-mo type person. 🙂 Plus, I think I live far enough north now that it isn’t officially a cuss word here. 😀

  5. Randi Jo :)

    yes!! great description.

    The more I think about it…the more I don't think being "offensive" OR "defensive" with the Word is good. being offensive/defensive indicates a battle/fight…. and that always put the other person on the opposite 'team' so it's always a loss for you (for both).

    no winner in any argument is there? Pretty sure the Bible talks about the Spirit being grieved when we get into disputes like that.

    though yes there are times to bring the word in love to "confront" with lots of prayer when you see a brother/sister needing intervention… but you approach it from, "we're on the same team… what do you feel about this scripture here?" sort of thing.

    anyway! 🙂 Thanks, really enjoyed this post and will bookmark it. I certainly have been guilty of this I am sure in my past…. and many around me still have this attitude & conviction to conquer the world through Truth… rather than letting love overcome & change the world.

  6. Jeff McQ

    Randi Jo,
    This month in house church our focus is actually on re-discovering the Jesus of the Bible and how that affects discipleship. So you’ll probably see some posting about that in the next few weeks. Thanks!

  7. Barbara(aka Layla)

    I wish someone would explain that to the saber-wielding Christians in my life that love to zap me and watch me flinch every time they “share truth”

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