March 18, 2008 by

Can I Just Say This?


Categories: music, Rantings

I am bored to tears with “Christian” music–especially worship music.

(And the rebels shouted AMEN!)

Actually, to many people nowadays, that might not seem like a very provocative statement. But if you know me at all, you’ll know it’s kind of a strong thing to say. Why?

I am a worship leader.

I’ve been playing on church worship teams since I was a teenager. I was a church music director for six years, and for the past 14 years most of my “ministry” has been characterized by a passion for worship and a desire to teach the church to enter into worship more fully. As early as two years ago, we began an aggressive effort to establish a Tabernacle-of-David type worship expression, something we hoped would go into 24/7 worship, like International House of Prayer in Kansas City. I’ve been a songwriter most of my life, and for the past 13-14 years, nearly all my songs have been geared for church worship.

And I’m bored with the whole thing.

Okay, now to elaborate…I’m not backsliding, I’m not growing cold in my love for Jesus, I’m not turning into an “outer courts” Christian. I’m just looking for something meaningful, something REAL, and I’m just not finding it right now. I used to snatch up nearly every CD in the “worship genre” (I still can’t accept that worship music has its own “genre!”) the week it came out. I haven’t found a worship CD I genuinely liked in nearly 10 years. I can’t stand to listen to Christian radio anymore. It’s all running together, and it’s losing its meaning for me. I’ve been in such a rut with my own songwriting that even my own material is starting to bore me. If I were to record and release a CD right this minute, I’d be tempted to title it, Monotony: The Same Old Boring Stuff. And on the cover I could have a close-up shot of me propping my head up with my arm on the table, and looking half asleep. (That’s why I got the guitar, to try and break out of the ruts.)

I just think there has to be something more to this. A sound, an emotion–something in the music or the lyric that provokes and renews passion. Not necessarily a “feel-good” lifting up of the soul (I do know what that’s like), but a stirring of the soul. I’m bored not because I’m complacent, but because I know there has to be more…and I want it. Just little glimpses of it here and there have spoiled me for the ordinary. It’s like The Matrix when Neo takes the red pill (or is it the blue one? I can never remember) and wakes up to find his entire existence was a dream world, and the real world is stark and painful. Even though the real world sucks, just knowing the truth causes him not to be able to go back into his dream state. He’d rather deal with the painful truth than go back into a delusion.

I know there must be more–and so I can’t be satisfied with the plastic, boring, same-old-same-old anymore. I need to find out what MORE is.

These days, in keeping with what I’ve learned, I’m blurring the lines between sacred and secular and realizing that God can redeem all things in my life if I’m walking with Him. So I have a lot more “secular” music in my ipod right now, and a lot of it speaks to me and inspires me. We’re experimenting with some new concepts in our monthly worship time, looking for something more, and I don’t think anyone involved is genuinely comfortable with it right now–including me. I’m looking for something that will speak to my heart, and to the hearts of other wanderers. God hasn’t left us; He’s here, and He’s moving in new ways. When He touches our hearts, it inspires us to create, to reflect what He’s saying and doing in our day, in our generation. I want so much to tap into that. It’s something new, something more than our minds can fathom, something more that I think any one of us knows right now.

But I long to know.

Jer. 29:13-14a: “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the LORD….”

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

7 Responses to Can I Just Say This?

  1. Jim


    I am late to the faith and came in with musical tastes already formed and personally cannot STAND most “CCM”. I LOVE music of all types and have more CDs in my house than most average neighborhoods. But the “happy clappy” stuff in Christian music circles just leaves me cold, and most of the stuff that is trying to emulate rap or metal just strikes me as just that – emulating. Not the real deal.

    That said, I REALLY LIKE John Mark McMillan. Check out my review.

    I have been meaning to post on a subject tangent to this for a while and you’ve probably pushed me to do it. Thanks.

  2. abmo

    My advice,

    if you write, write music about what is REAL in your life. Your struggles and victories. Your experience of Jesus.

    When it comes to secular music, I would say that God speaks to me 99% of the time through secular music. The other 1% will be christian music such as Keith Green and Rich Mullins.

    The christian music I love is the Hosanna/Integrity music of the late 1980’s and beginning 90’s. Everybody could sing those 🙂 and you could play them with three guitar chords. (Nowadays, music belongs to the gifted.) You probably know them well, but if not, listen to people like John Michael Talbot and Michael Card.I have no idea what your tastes are, but I will pray that you will enjoy the search and the journey.

    God bless

  3. shaun

    Funny, I am a guitar hack and hae been for a long time. I do like a lot of praise & worship music, but I too have gotten bored in that past year or so.
    One Christian artist I love is David Crowder… Fro about 3 months now all I have listened to is 3 Jack Johnson CDs and 3 David Crowder CDs.. Feels like I have limited my self but when I try to listen to other music lately it leaves me empty.. I am glad that I at least am not alone in this..

  4. Heather

    Music is art. God speaks through art. I don’t really see how the labels “Christian” and “Secular” have anything to do with that.

    I hear from God through music as well as a variety of other things. Sometime’s it’s a an old Petra Praise song, sometimes it’s a song by John Butler, U2, even Evanescence.

    I’ve blogged about a few of my music-related experiences with God if you’re interested – here,here and here. Oh, and one (controversial) post on the “worship” experience.

    Worship is supposed to be a constant thing – it permeates our entire lives. It’s so hard to break the mentality that we can hear from God and also worship through and in anything, rather than just “Christian” things and more specifically, “Christian” music.

    Oh, and I completely agree with your sentiments. I am bored to tears myself. Most of it seems so – hollow. There is one “CCM” music artist I have been listening to lately, though, mostly for the raw and honest lyrics. Jeremy Camp, specifically the CD “Carried Me: The Worship Project” really resonates with me.

  5. Sarah

    I relate. I recently heard “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman on the radio while driving the other day. This is a song about the pain of poverty, and the pain of a difficult life in general. The Lord really touched my heart and I realized that it’s so easy for me to forget about the pain of so many people who are in tough circumstances and don’t yet know the love of Jesus. It was a more spiritual experience than listening to the Christian station…

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