December 4, 2008 by

(Yawn) ‘Tis the Season?? (or, So Many Zombies)


Categories: food for thought, Meanderings (look it up)

Bells are ringing everywhere.

‘Tis the season for the Salvation Army bell-ringers. They are out in front of stores all over the country…out in the cold (when it is cold, that is). You gotta respect that. And it’s a good cause.

Nowadays, pretty much anyone can ring a bell. Back when I was a kid, mostly it was Santa Claus who did it. I was amazed as a kid how many stores he got around to, and how he could gain and lose both weight and height from store to store, sometimes in just a few minutes. Mom explained that those were really Santa’s helpers. That explained why there were so many of them, but it still was interesting how many of Santa’s helpers sported red coats and white beards. Anywho….

A few years ago we held a Christmas candle/baked goods fundraiser in front of our local Wal-Mart–right beside the world’s best Salvation Army bell ringer. This guy appeared to be a few cards short of a full deck, but man, he was loaded with Christmas spirit. He was talking it up and joking with people, singing Christmas songs, for four hours straight. He would sort of do his own D.J. mix with the Christmas songs, ringing the bell in rhythm. He’d start off singing one, and before you knew it, he’d morphed into another:

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry, Merry…Merry Merry…Merry Merry Christmas

In four hours, he made approximately $1415.23. We made like $70. And we couldn’t complain, because, well, it was for a good cause. And he was so good at it. We felt all Christmassy when it was over with, and we sang his D.J.-mix Christmas carols all the way home.

Thing is, bell-ringers with this guy’s enthusiasm are really a rarity. Most of them seem pleasant enough, but not really all that animated. At least in my part of the world.

And then there was this morning. I walked into my local store, and there at the entrance was a twentysomething girl sitting on a stool, a totally bored, emotionless look on her face, staring off into space. Completely unaware that anyone was walking by. No interaction. Just mindlessly ringing the bell. Kind of like a zombie.

Sadly, this kind of speaks of how many people go through the holidays. Amid all the boughs of holly and ho-ho-ho and Christmas cheer, lots of people just kind of walk through November and December like so many zombies. Some might be in shock from the stress; some might be disillusioned; some might just be bored with the whole thing. And some are just sleepwalking.

I was thinking about all this, and it painted a picture for me of so many of us in the church today. How many Christians just sort of go through the motions of our faith–go to church, read our Bible, pray pretty much the same things every day, volunteer for the church, talk to someone about God every now and then because we’re supposed to…? Seems to me this walk of faith should be one of the most engaging, fulfilling, life-giving adventures a person could live. But instead, it’s like we’re so many sleepwalking zombies, walking the path toward heaven, but our minds and emotions are on autopilot. Wake me when we get there…

Just sitting there ringing our bell.

Seems to me we could use a good, stiff cup of coffee. (Let the reader understand.)


Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

3 Responses to (Yawn) ‘Tis the Season?? (or, So Many Zombies)

  1. Douglas Weaver

    Good word brother. What a great metaphor – “Just ringing the bell.” I always appreciate your thoughts – and a good cup of coffee!

  2. co_heir

    I think you’re right. Like so much of the culture around us, we have become bored and complacent. We keep looking for the “next best thing” and forget that we already have the best thing – abundant life in Jesus Christ.

    And, that’s even better than a cup of coffee. 🙂

  3. Jeff McQ

    Thanks for chiming in, and for the encouragement.

    Complacency is everywhere, I realize…but imho it is the bane of the Christian culture in my town. And not just the Christian culture…it’s like the whole town has gone to sleep.

    My friend Dave (the coffee lover) would agree with you…but coffee would come in a close second. 🙂 (I don’t drink it.)

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