January 8, 2012 by

Just Some Sunday Morning Ramblings

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Categories: Meanderings (look it up)

I’m writing this, coffee in hand (well, not actually in HAND–that would make things rather messy for the laptop), looking out the windows of my favorite coffee shop at the freshly fallen snow still clinging to the tree branches, with a crystal-clear blue sky in the background. Yesterday’s snowfall was just enough to make things pretty, and not enough to shut down traffic. I chose this morning to sit facing outward toward the windows rather than inward toward the shop, just to take in the view. It’s a very nice reminder of what I love about this place.

It would seem that along with everyone else, I need reminding once in awhile.

I’ve felt like I’ve gotten in a bit of a rut the past few months. We got out of the habit of hiking last summer when The Wild One sprained her ankle, and we’ve not really visited the great outdoors a whole lot since. Then there was the move to a new place in September (after which, believe it or not, I’m still having trouble establishing a new routine), coupled with gobs of writing assignments (no complaints there–those help me eat)…even living in a place as beautiful as this, the daily grind can bog you down until you lose perspective. I think the new year is a good time to get things back into focus. And so I think God sent the snowfall to grab my attention and remind me. (My apologies to any Denverites who were inconvenienced by this. My bad.)

I think I’m also embracing this moment because as much as I enjoy my Sunday morning blogging, I’m going to have to find some other day to do it for awhile. At the congregation I was helping out with worship when I first arrived in Denver, their worship leader (the one who replaced me) is moving out of state, and they’ve asked me to help out temporarily until they find a replacement for him. They’ve known about this for months, but they’ve really taken their time trying to find a good fit this time, because I think they want someone who will be around for the long-term. Can’t say I blame them. Anyhow, it means for at least a month or two, I won’t be having these Sunday mornings to myself anymore. In my mind, at least for now, it’s a small sacrifice; I love my friends, and frankly, I owe them a lot. They’ve played a huge part in my personal healing, probably more than they know. Filling in is the least I can do.

Buuuut….sigh….I sure do enjoy this Sunday morning view. 🙂

Anyhow…while I’m regaining perspective here, I’m also taking a bit of inventory on this last year–where I’ve been, and where I’m going. I think the place where I’ve made the most progress is in my music. Indeed, creatively speaking, my whole family has made great strides. The loose-knit community of artists that we hang with have expressed constant amazement at how much progress The Wild One has made this past year as a new painter, and The Director has broken through some barriers as well, and is set to start work on a new short film this year. For me, the progress might seem slow, but it’s very significant. I’m actually starting to write songs I’m pleased with again, and doing the open stages has been rebuilding my confidence. (I’ll have more to share about this in a future post.) In fact, in a little over a week, I’ll actually have my first official “gig”, having been asked to be part of a monthly songwriter’s showcase at the little venue around the corner from where I used to live. I can now envision a future in this part of my life that for a number of years had remained clouded. So I think continuing to grow and develop musically, and maximizing the opportunities in front of me, will play a huge part in this year’s goals.

2011 had its challenges for us (although going by how many of my FB friends said “good riddance” to 2011 last weekend, I’d say we’ve probably had it better than a lot of people). And I can’t say that I don’t have some concerns and questions for 2012–not about the world ending, but more of the same ongoing questions, will we have enough work to carry us, will we have enough time, money, resources, etc. But those questions have been ever before us, and it seems when we turn them over to God, He keeps taking care of us in so many unexpected ways. The truth is, we have a lot to look forward to this year.

Man, I love this view.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

One Response to Just Some Sunday Morning Ramblings

  1. religion does not save

    yes…please loose your religion but establish a relationship with God. Even Jesus despised the religious people of His time. Don’t let religion keep you away from your creator!!

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