October 31, 2008 by

Jeesh, I Almost Forgot. It’s Halloween.


Categories: food for thought, fun, Meanderings (look it up), What the heck was THAT?

The above title is of great personal significance to me because I used to get uber-spooked by this day each year.

Now, listen–I believe in the spirit world, and supernatural things going on all the time that we can’t see. I am fully aware that there are some fringe people who take this day very seriously, and will go do some real witchcraft things in the dark in the woods, and possibly even hurt people. I am aware of the Druid and occult roots of Halloween, and personally I still do not observe it, nor does my family. My son has never really missed trick-or-treating, never had a desire to do it.

In the vein of spiritual warfare, I used to pray against this day every year. I used to have this ultra-sensitivity where I could almost see the demons lurking in every corner, looking for opportunities to work mischief. Every mishap from October 15-31 was a demonic assignment. After all–this was war, and demons were real, and they don’t like Christians, and blah blah blah.

Oh, yes, God was greater. So my mind said. But my heart was still afraid. Every year we used to “observe” Halloween by looking for some excuse to be out of the house, or we’d close up the front of the house to make it look like we weren’t home for the trick-or-treaters, and hole up in the back of the house and watch movies and just wait for the day to be over. All because we didn’t want to give any credence whatsoever to this terrible, terrible day.

Then, two things began to happen to us. First–we realized by not participating in the day at all, we were missing an opportunity to interact with people, all in the name of fear. After all–no little kid dressed up like Superman or Moses or a clown or Dracula was really going to torch our house–and their parents weren’t devil-worshipers. So we started buying the candy and opening our door, and trying to be a light in the darkness (without being preachy–no tracts or anything). 🙂

Second, more recently…I began to realize something very important, and not just about Halloween, but in my walk with God. In my desire to make a difference in my community (and also see some personal breakthrough), I’d been spending a great deal of time focusing on spiritual demonic strongholds and participating in spiritual warfare through worship and prayer. (I know probably a lot of you think that’s hogwash, but bear with me a moment.) There were times when we saw some results, if for no other reason than because we were operating in faith with the best knowledge we had at that time. But there was also a time when we got worn to a frazzle and simply had to stop and have a time of rest. And then the most amazing thing happened…

When we stopped looking for the devil–he stopped showing up.

When we stopped expecting an attack at every turn…the attacks became far less frequent. And I don’t think it was just that we stopped the “spiritual warfare”. I think we stopped being afraid. I think when we stopped focusing on what Satan was doing, he found no fear to latch on to…and so the attacks, whether real or imagined, began to fade.

And by contrast, when we started looking for what God was doing, we found Him everywhere!

So…let me say I still believe there is a devil, and demons, and warfare going on all the time that we don’t see. But I also believe many times we aren’t meant to see it. It’s not always our fight. I no longer look for how to defeat demonic strongholds; I look for what God is doing, and if He wants to show me something in the spirit realm and what to do about it, I’ll do what He says, without fear. These days, my “warfare” takes a different strategy.

I still don’t particularly like Halloween, or what it stands for. But today I delivered flowers all day long, and got no flat tires, and didn’t stub my toe on anything, and wasn’t grumpy. I saw some people dressed like witches, and I didn’t freak out. The devil pretty much left me alone, because I didn’t pay attention to him. And I got home and saw the candy by the door. Oh, yeah, that’s right–it’s Halloween.

Pretty cool.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

4 Responses to Jeesh, I Almost Forgot. It’s Halloween.

  1. Amy

    I couldn’t agree with you more! My goodness, your experience and mine (minus the wife and kids, of course) could not be more similar!!

    Fully understand exactly what you mean about coming to a reality and Truth of stopping the focus on the Opposer, and putting the focus on Father’s Love!! Amen, amen!!

    ~Amy 🙂

  2. Larry Eiss

    It really is all about where we are looking. When we are concerned about knowing Him better, “all these things” just some along for the ride and we find ourselves blessed in ways we couldn’t conceive before. Thanks for another great post, Brother.

  3. Rich

    Halloween, yeah what a wonderful time of the year, a most appropriate time to get all spooked up and dance to the grave yard mash.
    As far as the devil is concerned, hasn’t he been the one shorted handed in winning an award for the best disguise, meaning he’s had the best costume since the fall of man, you know the one he wears all the time called, “human nature.”

    Not only was it the greatest trick he accomplished in causing the world to believe he doesn’t exist, but more to the point that he has hidden himself in all flesh, and dagnabit even in the Christians as well.

    I’m so grateful that his purposes are being thwarted in light of coming to know/experience the Truth.

    Good post Jeff!

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