December 15, 2008 by

Finally, A Large Bloc of Time In Which to Blog…Now What the Crap Do I Write?


Categories: Meanderings (look it up), random stuff

Today is the first day in almost 2 weeks that I have not had to rush to some job, or investigate some job opportunity.

It also happens to be icy on the roads here today, and a balmy 19 degrees outside…which makes it a perfect opportunity to sit by the fire and blog to my heart’s content.

The problem is…I’ve been so on overload that now that I have a few minutes…I can’t think of anything profound to say. 🙂

The last three weeks have been very interesting for me. In my quest to find some extra work for the holidays, I wound up with three or four opportunities to choose from…but due to one complication or another, within a few days the opportunities either went away, or I had to turn them down. So I went from 3 prospective jobs to none. So in an effort to make sure I could at least come up with something, I started pounding the pavement, asking God for an opportunity.

The phone books get delivered here this time each year, and I’ve done that in years past; so against my better judgment, I went a week ago Friday and picked up a route. That’s when I found out they needed extra help with followup calls and could hire me to work the phones all the next week. I took it. I did my route over the weekend, and started Monday and Tuesday making phone calls for the delivery service.

Then Wednesday, my pavement pounding paid off, and a flower shop hired me for extra work Wednesday and Thursday. Friday I worked for another flower shop, the one I usually work for once a week. Saturday I was supposed to go back to the phone book place and make calls, but before I could get there, the Friday flower shop called because some guy quit, and could I come and deliver flowers immediately?

Are you still reading, or did you leave? If reading it seems chaotic, think how chaotic living it has been. 🙂 Bottom line…I have gone from having no prospects for extra work, to working four different part-time jobs in the past week, and it looks like I’m going to settle on two of them for a longer stint. I’m not complaining, mind you; I’m very grateful, and it’s been a lot of fun, if a bit overwhelming. Let’s just say I’m enjoying sitting by this fire blogging at random.

In other news…yesterday was a significant day for house church. After spending most of this last year allowing some things to incubate in our hearts regarding direction for our community, we presented some key things we feel are going to happen for the future of the church. I’ll be sharing some of this with you in the next few months, but for now…suffice it to say we were very pleased with the supportive response. It really seemed to resonate in the hearts of people that this is the right direction for our community at this time. It was a bit of a relief personally, because we were able to share some things in our hearts that we’ve been sitting on for awhile, waiting for clarity from God and the right setting to share them.

So….now that I’ve rambled for awhile…I have a cold day, a warm fire, an inviting couch, and a day off. What would you do?

That’s what I thought. Talk to you after my nap. Mmmmmmm……

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

8 Responses to Finally, A Large Bloc of Time In Which to Blog…Now What the Crap Do I Write?

  1. Amy

    Wow! Indeed, you past two weeks have been crazy! I’m glad to hear that the Flower Shop position turned full-time. That’s great news! As well, I’m looking forward to hearing more about these developments in the House Church you are leading.

    Take it easy my friend and I hope you sincerely enjoy this Christmas season! Stay warm and toasty, too.

    ~Amy 🙂

  2. Ruth

    HI ya Jeff,

    Nice to catch up with you, and when I do, I find you sitting by a cozy fire after a very hectic few days! how neat is that : ) Glad your resting now

    It's hard to imagine myself with a lazy day off, fireside, nothing to do, I know that is not going to happen around here : ) but let's just imagine, if someone "locked" me in a room with a cozy fire and told me to stay put, and not do anything, well I would definitely curl up, close my eyes, have a nap and probably talk/rest with Jesus.

    Can't wait to hear about the home group, (thanks in advance for all you have shared on here & will be sharing with us)

  3. Karenkool

    And of course, needing much rest in between and having nothing much to blog about. Life is good 😉

    Well, today is a complaining day for me, but I can still appreciate it.

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