March 4, 2010 by

Six Months


Categories: How I am, things that don't fit in any category in particular

This weeks marks six months since I moved to Denver.

It would take a book to chronicle the many ways our lives have changed since moving here. In some ways, the changes in our attitude and approach began in Tulsa and led to our moving here. In other ways, coming here has been life-changing in its own way.

We came from a place where our creativity had been virtually shut down (a sort of death for artist-types); here, there is so much openness to creativity that we find that the greatest limitations we have are the ones we put on ourselves. So beyond the struggles to establish ourselves in a new place (making a living, and all that), there have been the struggles to de-tox from old ways of thinking about ourselves and our gifts–to nurture a “can-do” approach, to remove the self-imposed creative limitations. We purposely try to approach common issues in new ways, to change the way we approach a problem–to learn how to get past mere survival-mode into a new quality of life. It has taken time, but we’re actually getting used to it, I’m happy to say.

It isn’t just about Denver (although I think Denver is awesome). This is a beautiful place, and just the right cultural climate for us; but it isn’t a magical place–although the “medical” marijuana industry, which is legal here, might suggest otherwise. 🙂 The changes for the better that have happened in our lives are somewhat due to Denver, and somewhat due to the changes in our own souls; but there are also some clear signs of divine intervention. We have had more “miracle moments” in the past six months than we could probably count. We’ve found favor with people who have had no earthly reason to think of us; we’ve received support and opportunity that we didn’t ask for; we’ve received healing for past wounds in ways that only God Himself could have orchestrated. In short, while it seemed like we found our way here as “free agents”, as it were–God was waiting for us here. I feel remarkably and wonderfully set up–as though I drifted “aimlessly” into the arms of God. We took a leap of faith, and He met us on the other side.

Everyone has their own journey, their own path of discipleship–and our path isn’t the right path for everyone. But I can honestly say that for us, we stumbled into the plan of God. It might seem like a lot to say–but I truly believe that moving to Denver saved our lives.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

3 Responses to Six Months

  1. Mark (under construction)

    I've been thinking on this some lately as well.

    I must not confuse my journey and make it THE journey!!! I have a fair bit of forgiveness to seek of others for my often my sledge hammer approach and making light of their experences of OUR Father.

    Hey Jeff!!! Bless you brother.

  2. Jeff McQ

    Sarah, thanks! Watching your family's transition to Canada as well. Keep us posted.

    Your words about "our" journey, not "the" journey, are wisdom both timely and well-said. Thanks for highlighting that.

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