April 16, 2008 by

Lightening Up


Categories: fun

So the last several posts have been so thick with thought that my brain hurts. I’m ready for a break. Not from blogging, mind you–that’s still fun–but from deeeeeep thiiiinnnking. So in an attempt to lighten up…here are some random thoughts.

I am pulling for David Cook to win American Idol (and not just because he’s from Tulsa). Yet, alas, I am too lazy to vote. Who do you like?

I am currently working my way through two books at once. I try not to do that too much, but one of them is so rich that I am going really slowly through it. So I use the other book to offset the first. The slow book is Exiles by Michael Frost. The other one is The End of Religion by Bruxy Cavey. Both are really good. What are you reading right now?

I think the song playing in the background of this coffee shop is Bob Dylan, but I don’t recognize the song. Yep, there’s the harmonica. It’s Dylan, all right. What are you listening to?

In college I had the nickname “J.J.” for awhile–partly because of an identity crisis, and partly because there were two other Jeffs on my dorm wing my freshman year. After awhile, though, my closer friends for some reason got more comfortable calling me just “Jeff”. Guess I wasn’t the “J.J.” type. Do you have any nicknames? (Nice ones?)

Have a great Wednesday.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

10 Responses to Lightening Up

  1. Rick


    I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now and appreciate your honest insights into the church and what your faith looks like to you.

    American Idol: I, too, am going against popular opinion and rooting for David Cook. The guy is a star and is not afraid to take risks in an attempt to be true to who he is. David Archuletta is good but something about the boy kinda weirds me out and the whole “aw shucks” persona is wearing thin (much like it did with Melinda Doolittle last season).

    What I’m Reading: ‘Active Spirituality’ by Charles Swindoll

    What I’m Listening To: Right now, a podcast discussing intelligent design vs. evolution. Musically, I’ve been listening to Chris Taylor’s new worship release ‘Take Me Anywhere’.

    Nickname: My parents always called me “Crackerjack” during my little league baseball days and it has stuck over the years.

  2. Sam

    Reading SYDWTGTC, slowly.
    Listening to James Gang, James Gang Rides Again.
    Nickname: Sam I ham. Once told after a Christmas dinner I could take home as much ham as I wanted. I took it all.

  3. Jeff McQ

    Favorites & Shout-outs among the commentors so far…

    Rick–yeah, I love Archuletta’s voice, but he seems extremely stressed and pressured, like he’s not enjoying it. (Stage parents??)

    Jim–yeah, Mark Twain! My favorite quote is from Huck Finn:
    “Jim said bees wouldn’t sting idiots; but I didn’t believe that, because I had tried them lots of times myself, and they
    wouldn’t sting me.”

    Sam–“Sam I Ham!” LOLOL! Almost dropped the laptop! I’m a pun-meister; that is a classic.

  4. Jeff McQ

    Since nearly half of my house church happens to originate from Australia, you’d think I’d know better than to put down something so exclusively American. 😀

  5. shaun

    Haven’t really seen American Idol much because I rarely watch t.v. .
    I did get to see the Shout to the Lord segment though , really cool. I also saw a couple of Grace’s picks a couple of weeks back and I thought it was really cool the way the one guy did Billy Jean, very creative and great voice.I forget his name.

    I am in between books ( I am not a huge reader) the las thing I read was “The Great Divorce” C.S.Lewis..

    Have been listeniung to a mix of mostly : DC*B , Johnny Cash and Jack Johnson (Brushfire fairy tales)

    I had a nick name in H.S. it was Mojo ( because I had wild hair & looked a bit like Jim Morrison and I used to listen too & sing a lot of Doors songs.. I still kinda like them..
    God Bless you and keep Blogging Bro,

  6. Steve Oberg

    Just finished Kaffir Boy & Kaffir Boy in America (highly recommend!) Currently reading The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul (Big Doug Adams fan here!) Recently read: Jim and Casper go to church, Revolution, The Gospel according to Starbucks, Creating Community and other stuff like that. (Whew!)
    Listening to: Aaron Schust, and An independent South African Jazz group I can’t pronounce.
    Don’t watch much T.V.

  7. Kansas Bob

    I am also pulling for Kansas City native David Cook – he is definitely the most talented idol.. of coure I don’t vote either 🙂

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