Categotry Archives: politics? oh puh-leeze.


I Never Thought I’d See the Day

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Categories: politics? oh puh-leeze.

Okay, I gots something on my mind…and fair warning, it’s about politics.

As I grow older, I never thought I’d become one of those dudes that says, “I never thought I’d see the day when…[fill in the blank].” You know the type–the geezers that sit around and complain about the changes in world they live in, as compared to the world that they grew up in, and pine for the good old days.

But I have to say, this election year has got me saying this more and more–if not out loud, than at least to myself.


Why I Have Become a Moderate, or Apolitical, or Both


Categories: politics? oh puh-leeze.

It’s been a long while since I posted anything of a political nature on this here blog–and with good reason. Looking back at some of my more “expressive” posts from the last election year (please don’t), those posts came out of a deep concern for the direction of the country, and from a distinct conservative standpoint. But after all the dust settled and I thought back, I realized that they also reflected a loss of perspective, and to be honest, I didn’t really like what I was reflecting when I wrote those posts.


Why Jon Stewart is My Favorite Liberal

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Categories: politics? oh puh-leeze.

I (thankfully) haven’t mentioned politics on this blog in a long time. But let me just say that you know something’s askew with the country when the people making the most sense are the guys on Comedy Central.

Obviously, I don’t agree with Jon Stewart on every point. Okay, a lot of points. He’s a liberal. I’m…not…a liberal. But last night’s reaction to the shootings in Tucson was completely thoughtful, rational, passionate…and right on the money. And it isn’t the first time I’ve heard him speak thus. This guy is actually talking sense about a political system that is making less and less sense. And he’s totally earning my respect.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Arizona Shootings Reaction
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> The Daily Show on Facebook


Democracy and Citizenship


Categories: food for thought, Meanderings (look it up), politics? oh puh-leeze., Rantings

This post has been on the burner for several months, and I haven’t really made mention of anything political since the last presidential election (mainly because that’s not what this blog is about). But in just watching the unfolding of current events (including the health care debate), and continuing to ponder what the church’s role should be in such things…I think it’s time to write.


The Crossroads


Categories: food for thought, politics? oh puh-leeze.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen the political climate of America quite like this.

Tomorrow, Americans will go to the polls and vote. But I believe it is going to be much more than selecting a President, or even staffing the various offices of our federal, state and local governments for another few years.

The United States is at a crossroads.

And the scary thing is, the choices we have aren’t all that clear.


From the Horse’s Mouth…


Categories: politics? oh puh-leeze.

I promised myself I wouldn’t go political here again. But in my view this is too important not to consider.

Americans who read this blog: before voting next week, PLEASE listen to this actual audio of Barack Obama, as it gives us a window into his true ideology.

We need to be clear about this. “Re-distribution of wealth” is a hallmark of socialism, not democracy.


No More Passes

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Categories: politics? oh puh-leeze., Rantings, whine-and-opine

Mmmmmrrghfthfth….. ::biting my tongue:: ….

…mmmmmmmmI CAN’T HELP IT. Gotta talk about politics again.

Actually, my rant today is not so much about either presidential candidate as it is about the mainstream media in America–because, you see, the media is running a campaign of its own.

The mainstream media is aggressively trying to get Barack Obama elected the next President of the United States.

Now, I’ve commented about this fact on some other blogs–including some “across the pond”–and the response I’ve read is: “WHAT media bias?” Some have even suggested the media is biased in favor of McCain!


No More Convinced Than I Was Before


Categories: politics? oh puh-leeze.

I usually try to stay away from politics on this blog, especially in this season of our nation when they can be so divisive. But I’m going to venture into it tonight. And I recongize that some of my readers won’t share my views, so just realize that my opinions here are my own, and I respect yours if they are different from mine.

A few months ago, I wrote this post about my concerns about Barack Obama’s campaign. My concerns were not so much about his policies (which I do disagree with), but mostly that this largely unknown and unseasoned politician’s rise to power has been mainly due to a vacuum in leadership around him, and that lots of people were gathering around him simply because of his charisma and ability to communicate. (Please read the post.)

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