Categotry Archives: moments of truth


Closing the Last Chapter


Categories: moments of truth

I haven’t posted for a few days because I’ve been working mainly on this post…and this is likely to be one of the most vulnerable, personal posts I’ve ever put on this blog. So be nice. 🙂

A couple of weeks ago, The Wild One and I started having a conversation about this transitional place we are in, trying to get settled in Denver, and the challenges we’re dealing with. And she made the observation that I had grown increasingly negative in my outlook over time, tending only to see the glass half-empty. It wasn’t a mean-spirited conversation at all; but she said it partly because she wanted to understand what was behind it, and partly because in our situation, we really need a positive, can-do attitude, and my pessimism was making it difficult for her to keep her own spirits up. A fair assessment.


God, I Love You Because…


Categories: moments of truth

This past weekend, as I worshiped with friends, I had a bit of a moment of truth.

Two moments of truth, actually. One right after the other.

During a prayer time, the leader invited people to speak aloud in prayer, starting with the phrase, “God, I love You because…” Voices spoke up from around the room, with things like:

“God, I love You because You forgive me.”
“God, I love You because You loved me first.”
“God, I love You because You are faithful.”
“God, I love You because You are with me always.”


The (Reluctant) Wrench In the Works


Categories: Meanderings (look it up), moments of truth

You might not think it of me if you read this blog…but there’s a huge part of me that really doesn’t like rocking the boat.

I grew up as a compliant child, an overachiever, eager desperate to please–for reasons that have taken a lifetime of soul searching (and a little counseling) to discover. I’ve spent most of my life with this go-along-to-get-along strategy. I’ve always hated being viewed as a troublemaker.


God Is In the Darkness (Part 1: Afraid of the Dark)


Categories: food for thought, moments of truth, My Story

A bit of a disclaimer concerning this next series of posts. These are ponderings and questionings only, and not intended to be a statement of doctrine or theology. As with so many other things, I’m attempting to think outside the box of religious tradition, but not outside the boundaries of Scripture. So if you find yourself in disagreement with what I say here, please take it for what is is. I’m not holding this too tightly, and neither should you. Feel free to leave comments and discuss, but as usual, be nice. 🙂

Have you ever heard this riddle?


I’ve Been Giving This Some Thought…


Categories: Meanderings (look it up), moments of truth

In the past few weeks, I have kind of felt like I’m losing my way on this blog. I have gotten busy again with things that keep me offline, and when I am on here, I find myself struggling with what to say. I labor over the words, and I sometimes don’t even like the post after I write it. And not fishing for feedback or anything…I have noticed my comments on the decline as well, which also makes me think I’m drifting a bit.


A Sheepish Confession–The Real Reason I Don’t Cuss on This Blog


Categories: moments of truth

Okay, time to get vulnerable.

My wife thinks sometimes I’m too vulnerable…but in this case I think it’s necessary.

It’s interesting how the smallest thing can unexpectedly make you see the truth about your own heart.

Yesterday I did a post about profanity and the use of euphemisms, which I humorously called “Christian cuss words.” The first commenter, Jim, responded with some serious yet thoughtful remarks–a bit of a surprise to me, considering the tongue-in-cheek nature of the post, but I appreciated his thoughts. In my reply to him, I made the following statement:

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