Categotry Archives: food for thought


The Crossroads


Categories: food for thought, politics? oh puh-leeze.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen the political climate of America quite like this.

Tomorrow, Americans will go to the polls and vote. But I believe it is going to be much more than selecting a President, or even staffing the various offices of our federal, state and local governments for another few years.

The United States is at a crossroads.

And the scary thing is, the choices we have aren’t all that clear.


Jeesh, I Almost Forgot. It’s Halloween.


Categories: food for thought, fun, Meanderings (look it up), What the heck was THAT?

The above title is of great personal significance to me because I used to get uber-spooked by this day each year.

Now, listen–I believe in the spirit world, and supernatural things going on all the time that we can’t see. I am fully aware that there are some fringe people who take this day very seriously, and will go do some real witchcraft things in the dark in the woods, and possibly even hurt people. I am aware of the Druid and occult roots of Halloween, and personally I still do not observe it, nor does my family. My son has never really missed trick-or-treating, never had a desire to do it.


New Ears to Hear


Categories: changing mindsets, food for thought, Meanderings (look it up)

I’m going to ramble a bit here, so I hope this post makes sense to other people besides me. 🙂 If not, I’m sorry.

Here’s an interesting phrase Jesus used several times as a coda when he was teaching in parables, and again to all seven of the churches He addressed in Revelation 2-3:

“He who has ears to hear–let him ear.”

This is intriguing because it suggests that even though He is speaking, not everyone will hear or understand what He says. Hearing is not automatic here. And it also suggests that the key to hearing and understanding is that our ear needs to be inclined to hear Him.


Differing Expressions of Love


Categories: food for thought, Meanderings (look it up)

Kathy over at the carnival in my head wrote a vulnerable post about her continuing struggle with getting her “buttons pushed” by “big church” goings-on. This statement pretty much sums up her feelings:

“i can easily live with atheists, notorious sinners, the least of these, and almost anything in between. the people i have the hardest time living with are the ones who are dedicated to a system that i fundamentally disagree with. how can i offer them as much grace as i have myself received and can pass on to many others?”


Teach a Man to Fish (and Other Things We Say to Make Ourselves Feel Better)


Categories: current issues, food for thought

This post is my contribution to Blog Action Day 2008. This year’s topic: poverty.

I feel like the global issue of poverty is one of those things I’m least qualified to talk about. I am not an activist, I’ve not been part of many relief ministries, except for one I’ll talk about momentarily. I’ve spent most of my life sheltered in the church, allowing someone else to deal with those issues. The most connection I’ve had with poverty is a measure of personal experience–which means I have spent significant amounts of time not having enough to make ends meet, knowing what it is to be in need. Some days I’ve awakened not knowing how my family would eat that day. However, even that sense of lack I’ve felt (which was painful enough) does not even begin to compare with what others in my own country have felt, let alone in third world countries. So even with the limited personal experience I have, my own lack of action makes me feel unqualified to tell others what to do.


A (Not) Exhaustive Word Study on the Word "Calling", and What I Think It Means


Categories: changing mindsets, food for thought

In my continued ponderings on the idea of being “called”, and looking with a fresh set of eyes at my own sense of “calling” as a believer, it made sense to do a little word study on the words “calling” and “called” in the Bible. At first look, I was honestly surprised.

Here’s what I found:


Even More Ramblings About Calling…


Categories: food for thought, Meanderings (look it up)

I have been rambling on a bit about how my perception of one’s “calling” is changing. Time to ramble a little more…

I’ve gotten a lot of “prophetic words” in my lifetime. And a lot of it has been what I’d call “fluff” (some might have stronger words for it, but that’s what I call it, anyway)–just ear-tickling, good-feeling-evoking, ego-puffing-up words about destiny. (When you find yourself in a platform ministry position, it’s amazing how many people want to prophesy over you.)


More About Calling…


Categories: food for thought, Meanderings (look it up)

In a recent post, I was pondering a paradigm shift I’m going through about the idea of one’s calling. I closed with this statement:

“I still believe that there is such a thing as a “calling”. I just think it runs deeper than many of us realize–that it has more to do with how God has shaped us than what we end up doing with it.”


Re-Thinking Worship (Part 7–Being Real)


Categories: changing mindsets, food for thought, worship

I don’t know how long this series will go. I’ll keep posting on this topic periodically until I run out of things to say about it. 🙂 If you’re just joining us…links to the previous six parts are at the end of this post.

As a worship leader in institutional church settings, I admit I bought into the “show-must-go-on” mentality. In one sense, it was a coping mechanism, because if I let my teammates take the morning off because “I just don’t feel like worshiping today”, or “I had a really bad week, and I’d feel like a hypocrite if I got on the platform today”–I’d probably never have had a quorum. There sure were a lot of times when I didn’t feel like getting up on that platform.

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