Wayward Son

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.


History, No Matter How You Slice It…And Some Final Thoughts on the Matter (For Now)


Categories: Meanderings (look it up)

If you voted–no matter how you voted–you were part of an historic day today.

This election season has been one of the most dramatic I’ve ever witnessed. So many twists and turns and edge-of-your-seat moments, we could all probably use one good stiff drink. Hollywood couldn’t have written it any better.


The Crossroads


Categories: food for thought, politics? oh puh-leeze.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen the political climate of America quite like this.

Tomorrow, Americans will go to the polls and vote. But I believe it is going to be much more than selecting a President, or even staffing the various offices of our federal, state and local governments for another few years.

The United States is at a crossroads.

And the scary thing is, the choices we have aren’t all that clear.


Why I Don’t Twitter (Yet)


Categories: fun, Rantings, What the heck was THAT?

…or is it “Why I Don’t Tweet?” Twit? Whatever.

It seems more and more of my blogger comrades are selling out beginning to use Twitter in addition to all the other connectivity programs out there.

Little by little everyone starts to Twittle Twitter. (Dangit. Thought I had a rhyme going there.)

Well, I’m still holding out–for now. And here are some reasons why…


Jeesh, I Almost Forgot. It’s Halloween.


Categories: food for thought, fun, Meanderings (look it up), What the heck was THAT?

The above title is of great personal significance to me because I used to get uber-spooked by this day each year.

Now, listen–I believe in the spirit world, and supernatural things going on all the time that we can’t see. I am fully aware that there are some fringe people who take this day very seriously, and will go do some real witchcraft things in the dark in the woods, and possibly even hurt people. I am aware of the Druid and occult roots of Halloween, and personally I still do not observe it, nor does my family. My son has never really missed trick-or-treating, never had a desire to do it.


New Ears to Hear


Categories: changing mindsets, food for thought, Meanderings (look it up)

I’m going to ramble a bit here, so I hope this post makes sense to other people besides me. 🙂 If not, I’m sorry.

Here’s an interesting phrase Jesus used several times as a coda when he was teaching in parables, and again to all seven of the churches He addressed in Revelation 2-3:

“He who has ears to hear–let him ear.”

This is intriguing because it suggests that even though He is speaking, not everyone will hear or understand what He says. Hearing is not automatic here. And it also suggests that the key to hearing and understanding is that our ear needs to be inclined to hear Him.


Just a Few of My Friends…


Categories: fun, link love, Meanderings (look it up)

So as we approach the holidays, we also approach the one-year mark for the Losing My Religion blog. And as we approach that mark, I’m contemplating how blogging has changed and expanded my thinking and indeed my world. Last month, Cindy at Run With It asked us how blogging has changed us. I didn’t respond then, mostly due to time constraints and being generally behind my blog reading. But I guess I’m answering it now: blogging has helped clarify my own journey, sharpened my writing skills, and connected me with a whole range of new friends–people who in some ways think very differently than I do, but who are in other ways quite connected with one another in this journey. I think these emerging relationships are the best part of my blogging experience. (Do you like that I used the word “emerging”?)


From the Horse’s Mouth…


Categories: politics? oh puh-leeze.

I promised myself I wouldn’t go political here again. But in my view this is too important not to consider.

Americans who read this blog: before voting next week, PLEASE listen to this actual audio of Barack Obama, as it gives us a window into his true ideology.

We need to be clear about this. “Re-distribution of wealth” is a hallmark of socialism, not democracy.

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