Destiny, Overdone (part 2: Traveling Light)
Categories: changing mindsets, food for thought, My Story
Categories: changing mindsets, food for thought, My Story
Categories: changing mindsets, food for thought, My Story
For a combination of reasons I still don’t quite comprehend, probably going all the way back to the womb…I grew up with a “promise child” mentality. I have had an inflated sense of responsibility for as long as I can remember. I was a perpetual overachiever, was always considered the smartest kid in the class, had an acute sense of conscience bordering on torment, and showed an interest in spiritual things beyond my years. Also, my gift for music blossomed at an early age, which garnered me even more attention. And being an only child (read: my parents’ only shot at successful offspring) couldn’t have done anything but intensified the sense of expectation I felt. It seemed nearly every adult I connected with saw me as “special”, someone destined for some sort of greatness.
Categories: random stuff, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: moments of truth
Okay, time to get vulnerable.
My wife thinks sometimes I’m too vulnerable…but in this case I think it’s necessary.
It’s interesting how the smallest thing can unexpectedly make you see the truth about your own heart.
Yesterday I did a post about profanity and the use of euphemisms, which I humorously called “Christian cuss words.” The first commenter, Jim, responded with some serious yet thoughtful remarks–a bit of a surprise to me, considering the tongue-in-cheek nature of the post, but I appreciated his thoughts. In my reply to him, I made the following statement:
Categories: What the heck was THAT?
I say this because every so often, there seems to be a subtle effort on the part of some of my readers to get me to cuss on this blog.
The most recent example was a comment left on my Caveman post:
“…you blew it with the “heck” at the end. Sigh…showing you still have much to learn.”
Categories: fun, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: "Love Is...", food for thought, love
The last day in February=the final post in the “Love Is…” series from 1 Cor. 13. Links to the previous posts below.
This phrase, “love never fails”, is one of the most well known in 1 Cor. 13, and so often quoted that the meaning can easily be lost in its catch-phrase status.
Taken simply for how it reads, it sounds like love is invincible, that love always wins, always triumphs, and always meets its objectives. “Love conquers all”. But what does that look like?
Categories: "Love Is...", food for thought, love
(Continuing the “Love Is…” series–previous links are below.)
This phrase in 1 Cor. 13:5 reads “[love] thinketh no evil” in the KJV, but other translations read things like “keeps no record of wrongs”, “does not take into account a wrong suffered”, and a few other variations.
Looking at the Strong’s definition for “thinketh” or “take into account”, it reads, “to take an inventory”. So I think probably the closest translation to the original meaning of the Greek phrase comes from the Young’s literal translation: “[love] doth not impute evil.” This reminds me of other passages of Scripture that tell us that God does not “impute” our sins against us. In other words, He does not store them up as some sort of grudge.
Categories: What the heck was THAT?