August 21, 2008 by

A Totally Weird, Random, Off-the-Wall, Fun Blogging Game


Categories: fun, random stuff, What the heck was THAT?

I have an idea. Let’s play a game, boys and girls.
(I know you can’t see me, but I’m wearing my Mr. Rogers “It’s Good In the Hood” t-shirt today.)

Here’s how the game goes:

  1. Click to leave a comment.
  2. In the comment box, type the “word verification” thing that Blogger gives you.
  3. Then, in the comments, try to turn the word verification thing into an acronym. (It can be a made-up slogan, a made-up business or organization name, whatev. Just try to make it work.)

Here’s an example:

If I get the word verification “egjuya”…
“Educating Georgia’s Juvenile Underage Youth of America”

If you get stumped, hit the “refresh” button to get another word verification.
Keep it PG, people.
Best three entries get honorable mention on this here blog.

(Don’t forget to actually TYPE the word verification before submitting your entry…otherwise you’ll have to start all over!)

Have fun. (I went first to demonstrate again how it’s done. ) 😀

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

18 Responses to A Totally Weird, Random, Off-the-Wall, Fun Blogging Game

  1. Jeff McQ

    My word verification is:


    No Doubters, Backstabbers, Haters–And No Quitters.

    (Sounds like the motto of a non-profit organization in need of inner healing, doesn’t it?)

  2. tysdaddy


    I should get props for getting the hardest Word Verification, no?

    Jesus’ Quip Quiets Publican Zacchias – Dinner A Smashing Success!

  3. Jeff McQ


    Some Crazy Funny Zany Comments Left Thus Far

    (Okay, okay…that wasn’t really a word verification. I made it up.)


    Keep going, guys!

  4. KELLY

    BTW, hope you don’t mind – but, I posted a link to your site…inviting all my “word lovin’ buddies” to come over here and play, too!

    Would Jesus love U2 and Nirvana?

  5. Karenkool


    Unsophisticated Neanderthals Perform Human Sacrifices For Empty Idols

    ok this game is a practice in “random!” It totally reminds me of some of the games we played in drama camp last week.

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