


Categories: What the heck was THAT?

…are floating around in my head. Lots of them.

Nope. Can’t tell you about them. Not yet. Still formulating them.

Just wanted to tease and torment you a bit. (And I’ll probably do that several more times before I actually tell you what my ideas are. So be prepared.)

Just wanted you to know something is up. In my head, that is.

I’m dreaming again.

It’s been a long time…..


Thoughts on Building Authentic Christian Community (June Syncrhoblog)


Categories: community, food for thought

(This entry is part of Glenn’s June Synchrhoblog. This synchroblog lasts for several days, so check back as more links are added. And if you want to participate, be sure to link back to Glenn.)

The feeling of “alone-ness” I spoke of in my last post is something that is common among people who, like me, are in various stages of separating from institutional forms of church. Some simply feel like misfits among the status quo; others have been wounded or victimized by spiritual abuse. And some have even attempted alternative forms of community outside the walls of church, only to have them implode and end unpleasantly; so they are fearful of trying again.




Categories: Meanderings (look it up)

One thing that seems common among those of us who are in different stages of leaving the institutional church systems is a feeling of being alone. Of being the oddball, the misfit, the problem child, whatever you want to call it. There is just this feeling that nobody “gets you”, like you are the only person around you who sees things the way you see them.

And yet…because of what you have seen…you just can’t imagine going back to the way things were.


A Conversation I Had Yesterday With a Nashville Producer, the Two Reasons I Think Indie Music Is Exploding, and Why I Am Telling You About It

1 comment

Categories: food for thought, music, Rantings

As a musician and songwriter, one thing I’ve been doing lately is to take steps to make my music more visible and accessible. One way I’ve done this is to create a MySpace Music page and use it for networking.

The other day I got a very complimentary message from a producer/songwriter in Nashville regarding my songs, telling me that he felt the recordings were rough (which I knew) but that the songs themselves had potential to reach a wide audience if they were re-cut.


Way, Way, Way Behind on the Link Love (But Catching Up)


Categories: link love

It’s been awhile since I devoted a post to great things that are happening on other blogs. I’d say it’s high time.

Let’s start with some recent additions to my blogroll, which I just got around to updating:

  • the carnival in my head–kathy escobar, a like-minded pastor with some awesome insights and an apparent aversion to upper-case letters. very artistic. (you’ll notice that in her honor i have deliberately avoided using capital letters here.) read her recent post on shame. outstanding.
  • Run with It–Cindy posts about all kinds of living-life things, and comes up with amazing nuggets, like this one from a few weeks ago.


A Manifesto for Church


Categories: church, fun, What the heck was THAT?

Another tag, this time by Heather….at least it solves the problem of what to write about. 🙂

I’ve been tagged to write about what I think a good church should look like. Here are the rules, according to Barry, who started this thing:

1. Post to your blog on the subject “A Manifesto for Church”, outlining your thoughts on what an ideal church would/should be like. Posts can be as detailed or as short as you like.
2. Include a copy of these rules.
4. Put a link to your post in the comments to this post.
5. Tag at least 4 other people.
6. What happened to rule 3?
3. Ah, here it is.


Favorite Book of the Bible Meme


Categories: fun

I’ve been tagged by Grace for this quick meme started by Brother Maynard, asking us to reveal our favorite book of the Bible, and why; link back to Brother Maynard; then tag 5 people.

My favorite book is……. (drumroll)

….the Book of Psalms.

As a musician and worshiper/worship leader, I have been consistently blessed by the honesty, passion, and real-ness of the Psalms. These songs taken together are about living life with God in the picture. And no matter where I have been in my spiritual journey, or how I’ve been feeling, I can find some psalm that touches that emotion.




Categories: food for thought

Today in the U.S., it is Memorial Day.

Today is the day we remember and honor those soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in battle, dying to preserve the freedoms we often take for granted.

Memorial Day has taken on deeper meaning for many of us in the past few years, as now over 4000 US troops have lost their lives in Iraq.

It is a day of mourning; but it is also a day of celebration. People visit the cemeteries and memorials, but people also have get-togethers, have a barbecue, or go to the lake. I think in a way both kinds of expressions are fitting. It is appropriate to honor the dead. It is also appropriate to celebrate and and enjoy the freedoms for which such a dear price has been paid. It is what our fallen soldiers would want for those they left behind.


Thinking about the Chapmans, and Other People


Categories: food for thought

If you are a Christ-follower and you spend time in the blogosphere, chances are you have heard about the tragedy that befell Steven Curtis Chapman’s family this week, where their 5-year-old adopted daughter Maria was accidentally run over and killed. The calls to pray and the outpouring of love for this family has been overwhelming, to say the least.

Like many others, I was deeply moved by this news and cannot imagine what the family must be going through. Like many others, I’ve been praying for this family whenever the thought crosses my mind.

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