So after my rant a couple of months ago about people who say, “I’ve been busy lately” as a lame excuse for dropping the ball with their blog posting…here I am posting maybe twice a week at best. What utter hypocrisy of me. 🙂 (Except, of course, that post was intended as humor…for you people who have none.)

Anywho, it isn’t that I’ve been too busy to write; it’s that I’ve been too busy writing. It turns out that trying to make a living as a freelance writer takes an awful lot of work on the front-end–plus with the long-term goals I have here in Denver with the music community, I am spending a lot of time going to gigs, talking to bands and writing about them on and my other blog. Covering the music scene isn’t a money-maker, either, at least for the moment…but I have other reasons for wanting/needing to do that, which go beyond making money. So the bottom line is, I’ve had to forego some of the things I want to write about to spend time on things I have to write about. I’ll have a great idea here and there for this blog, but it usually is in the middle of some writing assignment, or driving someplace, and the thought gets lost in the shuffle.

The funny thing is, the past couple of weeks I worked like a dog and met every deadline in front of me, and now I have a bit of a breather, and don’t really know what to do with myself. 🙂 I am so geared to having this grueling writing schedule that it’s taken a few days for me to discover, “Hey…you can actually take some time to write on this blog now!” So here I am…talking about nothing in particular. But I’m here. 🙂

What it boils down to here is that after taking a few months in Denver to find my feet, I’ve suddenly wound up going from looking for productive things to do…to having almost too much on my plate. But I really think I have the time to fit in the things I love with the things that are necessary–and part of this trek to Denver is actually about making those two things one and the same. (I.e., I plan to make a living doing the things I love.) So it just is gonna take a bit of time management and discipline to get it all in there–and time management isn’t something I’ve needed in quite awhile. 🙂

So…all that rambling to say, this blog is still a priority with me. I don’t think it’s realistic for me to post every day like I used to do…but I certainly still plan to be present. At least if I fall silent for a few days here and there, you’ll know why…and you’ll know I’m working on finding the balance. 😉

And of course, if you miss me all that much, you can go check out some of the other places I’m writing online. 🙂

Thanks for being here, friends. Talk to you again soon.

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.