May 29, 2008 by

Way, Way, Way Behind on the Link Love (But Catching Up)


Categories: link love

It’s been awhile since I devoted a post to great things that are happening on other blogs. I’d say it’s high time.

Let’s start with some recent additions to my blogroll, which I just got around to updating:

  • the carnival in my head–kathy escobar, a like-minded pastor with some awesome insights and an apparent aversion to upper-case letters. very artistic. (you’ll notice that in her honor i have deliberately avoided using capital letters here.) read her recent post on shame. outstanding.
  • Run with It–Cindy posts about all kinds of living-life things, and comes up with amazing nuggets, like this one from a few weeks ago.
  • Under the Grace–the “other” Jeff, I call him. Some brutal honesty during de-construction.
  • To Be a Fool… –Honest expressions from Heidi.
  • Decompressing Faith–Erin is a popular blogger with thoughtful, insightful posts.

Honorable Mentions–These are some (not all) of my favorite bloggers, and I always check their posts as soon as they arrive in my reader:

CURRENT NUGGETS–here are some recent amazingly awesome posts on the blogs:

  • Glenn at re-dreaming the dream is a former institutional pastor who has a heart for connecting and ministering to disenfranchised believers. He hosts a monthly synchroblog on interesting topics, and June’s topic is community. If you want to participate, go read about it.
  • Internet Monk talks about Missional Street Cred. An outstanding and honest viewpoint.
  • Ben at live.awake has a pet peeve about “Christianese” that he wrote about a couple of weeks ago. I’m still laughing…
  • Seth at Five Cent Stand didn’t like Indy 4. Wha-a-a-t??

And FINALLY…a special mention:

Aaroneous Findings is a brand-new blog by “Aaroneous”, a long-time friend of mine. He’s got some great things to say, and a cool sense of humor. Go read his blog and show him some love!

No, really. Do it now. 🙂

Thanks to all you folks (and the others I failed to mention here) for making me think, teaching me the ropes, and making me feel welcome in blog-land. More to come…

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

7 Responses to Way, Way, Way Behind on the Link Love (But Catching Up)

  1. Sarah

    Ben’s Xianese post is hilarious! Especially the part about intercessors being the literati – oh man, that’s funny!

    (PS. I repent of my rebellion in failing to tag others for the meme! For shame, for shame!) 😛

  2. kathyescobar

    hey jeff, i just updated my blogroll, too, i had been meaning to for a while and finally got around to it. nice to meet you out here in blogworld. i really like the things you write! i go in bursts on catching up on blogstuff but boy am i so thankful for the connection, the hope, the challenge! thanks for the encouragement, too.

  3. Aaroneous

    Jeff – thanks for the special mention…no pressure, huh?

    But thanks to Jeff for all the behind -the-scenes encouragement and stuff he’s given me as I try to get my blog to float.

    Rock on!

  4. Jeff McQ

    you’re welcome, and thank you. 🙂

    Confidence I have in you, my young padawan. No pressure feel; your instincts trust. And succeed…you will. May the force be with you.

  5. Ben

    Thanks for the link-blessing, brother! (see, I can translate anything into Christian-ese!). Glad you enjoyed the post. I had fun writing it.

    It’s caused problems for me, though. Now I can’t sit through a prayer meeting without choking down the occasional chuckle.

  6. Heidi W

    I find so many awesome sites this way. That Christianese one was hilarious!!! I’m afraid next time I’m in church I’ll be very distracted though… 🙂

    And, awww… shucks… thanks for the link.

  7. Jeff McQ

    When I wish I’d been the one who thought of it…you know you done good. 🙂 Thanks.

    You’re welcome. And sorry for the distraction. 🙂

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