JoJo: PawPaw? PawPaw? PawPaw? (spoken rapid-fire like a machine gun)
Me: (looking over the couch) Yes, JoJo?
(JoJo is sitting on the window ledge, which is low enough for him to sit on.)
JoJo: Minshof adhl minew sit onna ledge! (TRANSLATION: Look at me, I’m sitting on the ledge!)
Me: You’re sitting on the ledge, huh?
JoJo: PawPaw sit? (TRANSLATION: PawPaw sit?)
(I observe that the ledge is just narrow enough to hold about 25 percent of my behind.)
Me: No, PawPaw’s too big to sit on the ledge.
JoJo: PawPaw onna towch? (TRANSLATION: PawPaw on the couch?)
Me: Yes, PawPaw’s on the couch.
JoJo: PawPaw big?
Me: Yes, PawPaw’s too big to sit on the ledge.
JoJo: PawPaw BIG? (Children can be so insensitive sometimes.)
Me: (sigh) Yes, PawPaw’s big.
(JoJo thinks about this for a moment.)
JoJo: But MIMI’s small!
(“MiMi” was exceptionally glad to hear this.)
Maybe JoJo has seen Mimi having a seat on the ledge.
Actually, the ledge is only 4 inches and no one should be sitting there, including JoJo! But he’s just so darn cute, he gets away with it. He can do anything he wants as long as he says, “Mimi’s small”.