Here’s an excerpt from my post today over at Communitas Collective…
Sometimes blurring the lines can be a bad thing. Usually when we hear a phrase like this, we’re thinking of ways people compromise truth, violate boundaries, bend the rules, normalize sinful behaviors…things like that. Scripture says, “Do not move the ancient boundaries.” Boundaries are helpful and needful at times; so blurring those lines can be a bad thing.
But in our Western culture, we like to compartmentalize everything. We like it when everything in our lives has a nice clean label and sits in its own place. Certain activities are classified sacred (spiritual), and others are classified secular (natural). We compartmentalize our very lives, to the point that most of us are living multiple “lives” at once. We have our professional life, our family life, our social life, our spiritual life. And one is not supposed to bleed into another. If you look at it from this angle…blurring the lines might be a good thing.
One thing I’ve been realizing more and more is that God, who set the ancient boundaries, actually doesn’t compartmentalize nearly as much as we do….