You may, or may not, agree with his ideology (and I don’t)…
You may, or may not, be caught up in all the media mania hoopla concerning him (and I’m not)…
You may, or may not, have a hang-up about the color of his skin (and I don’t)…
You may, or may not, think he can keep all his promises (and I don’t see how he could, and some things I hope he changes his mind about)…
You may, or may not, have voted for him (and I didn’t)…
…but all of that aside…today, this man takes on the most burdensome and difficult job on the planet, with a set of expectations set on his shoulders that would make the strongest among us buckle under the pressure. He will have to make decisions that will affect the lives of millions, if not billions, of people. And he will have to live with the results, good or bad.
Just like the last guy did.
Today, this man becomes my President. And I will pray for him.
And considering the burdens he bears and the potential impact of his choices…so should you.
Well said. Pray for him we shall…
I have, and will continue. May God grant him wisdom and strength.
I agree!!