Categotry Archives: whine-and-opine


Square Peg


Categories: Rantings, whine-and-opine

Sometimes being outside the walls of institutional church feels exciting to me, even hopeful. It’s like there’s a whole new way of looking at church, ministry, and Christ-following, and when you remove the typical parameters of “churchiness” from these, it’s like whole new realms of possibility open up–because there aren’t nearly as many requirements as to what ministry can look like. You can potentially get very creative about it, and still keep the heart of what the Scriptures intended, maybe even more so. The possibilities seem endless. And when I think of this, sometimes I get excited. Hopeful, even.


Now that I’ve Calmed Down a Bit from My Last Post…


Categories: Meanderings (look it up), Rantings, whine-and-opine

…I’ll turn the comments back on. (But mind your manners.) 🙂

As you can tell from my last post…I have a bit of a temper. It’s a lot more controlled than it used to be.

One of the defining character traits of my son The Director is his passionate distaste for injustice. Anytime he sees someone unfairly dealing with another, or bullying, or oppressing, or slander, or anything like that–he is fit to be tied. He gets as angry as he would if it were happening to him. He’s seen enough injustice dealt to his parents in ministry–seen leadership wrongfully treat us, seen people we loved and cared for turn around and abuse us, accuse us and slander us, while we remained silent, unable to defend ourselves without making things worse. And he’s experienced some of that injustice himself. He simply has no stomach for it.


No More Passes

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Categories: politics? oh puh-leeze., Rantings, whine-and-opine

Mmmmmrrghfthfth….. ::biting my tongue:: ….

…mmmmmmmmI CAN’T HELP IT. Gotta talk about politics again.

Actually, my rant today is not so much about either presidential candidate as it is about the mainstream media in America–because, you see, the media is running a campaign of its own.

The mainstream media is aggressively trying to get Barack Obama elected the next President of the United States.

Now, I’ve commented about this fact on some other blogs–including some “across the pond”–and the response I’ve read is: “WHAT media bias?” Some have even suggested the media is biased in favor of McCain!