Categotry Archives: theological questions


A Question to Make Your Brain Hurt…


Categories: food for thought, theological questions

The “sinner’s prayer” is the basic prayer where we admit our sin and our need for a Savior, ask for forgiveness, and confess Jesus to be our Savior and Lord. It is generally considered by evangelicals to be the moment when someone is “saved”, when a spiritual conversion and rebirth takes place, and that person becomes a “new creature” (2 Cor. 5:17).

However…out of the approximate two thousand year history since the church was born…the “sinner’s prayer” has been part of our practice for less than 150 years.


If God Is My Father, How Can Jesus Be My Boyfriend?…


Categories: food for thought, missional, theological questions

Umm….don’t linger there too long. 🙂

A good friend of mine said something recently that has really resonated in my soul. He said, “Every metaphor breaks down at some point.” NOW does the title make a little sense? 🙂

Since the fall of man, when man essentially became separate and alienated from God…God has been on a mission to redeem man back to Himself, to restore the relationship that was lost. It is a constant theme throughout Scripture, and I believe it continues today. Emergent/Missional types like to refer to this idea as “Missio Dei”–the mission of God.


The Plumb Line…

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Categories: food for thought, theological questions

(NOTE FROM THE BLOG-MEISTER: I spent nearly three hours working on this post, and I’m still not completely satisfied with it–because it deals with some hot-button issues, and I’m concerned that some of my remarks could be misinterpreted. If you find Biblical error here, please know that I’m in the process of working some things out theologically even as I write this. If you disagree, feel free to comment and tell me what you think. If it makes you think–then I’ve done my job.)
Hot Question 1: Is the Bible the sum total of the revelation of God?
Hot Question 2: Is the Bible inerrant?

These are questions that I put on the table in our home group meeting a few weeks ago. I was pleasantly surprised at the consensus of those gathered; I’ll share about that in a moment.


Hell? No??


Categories: food for thought, theological questions

In checking a lot of blogs and in reading a lot of material outside my “normal” sphere, one thing I’m noticing is that there seems to be a significant number of people who question the existence of a literal hell. Even some higher-profile ministers (like a Tulsa local, Carlton Pearson) are now challenging hell’s existence. And with many thousands nearly a dozen people reading this blog now regularly, I felt it was my moral obligation to weigh in on the subject and give some food for thought.

I approach the Scriptures pretty practically, so I don’t intend to go into deep theological debate here. But regardless of how people are interpreting the Bible on this point, it seems the underlying argument goes something like this:

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