Categotry Archives: off the map


What Totally Made My Day Earlier Today at the Off the Map Conference


Categories: off the map, what I did today

So I walk into the lobby for the Saturday morning sessions of the Off the Map Conference, and I see Matt Casper (the atheist co-author of Jim and Casper Go to Church) standing by the book table.

So I went up to him to shake his hand and tell him how I loved the book. (I had already told Jim Henderson, the Christian co-author of said book, the same thing earlier.) I introduced myself simply as “Jeff.”

Before I could get another word out, Matt shook my hand, grinned widely and said, “Yes, Jeff! I’ve read your blog many times!”


Off the Map Conference Update

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Categories: off the map

The conference takes place largely in two venues, so no one can catch everything. But these are the highlights of my day at the conference:


  • Bill Kinnamon shared some of the research from his book UnChristian, sharing eye-opening facts about how Christianity and Christians are viewed by unbelievers, and we discussed how this needs to inform our dialogue with the culture we live in. An important point made is that we are not polling the unsaved to try and form a religion that will attract them; but we need to be aware both of the misconceptions people have, and the true indictments that have been made against the church.


This. Is. So. Cool.


Categories: off the map, What the heck was THAT?

Hello from Denver.
I am blogging today from the Off the Map Conference.
That’s right.
From the main venue.
During the opening event.
I’m not blogging from my cell phone. I’ve got my laptop on. In “church.”
This is very new to me. I’m not used to people letting me have my laptop on in a church-type meeting.

But Off the Map encourages it.
They are providing the free wi-fi.
They also tell you to leave your cell phones on.

I feel so postmodern.

I’ll keep checking in…