My Rantings About the American Music Awards
Categories: music, Rantings, whine-and-opine
Categories: music, Rantings, whine-and-opine
Categories: changing mindsets, food for thought, music
(You might want to read these two posts first, if you’re just joining us, so you have a grid for this one.)
In my last post, I shared how in a conversation with my family about our creative gifts, we realized that we had been trying to fit our gifts into a traditional ministry paradigm, instead of letting those gifts BE the ministry. I shared what an “a-ha” moment this was for me.
When a truth like that confronts you, it creates a paradigm shift. In other words, when you build a whole mindset around some assumed beliefs or facts, and a new truth is entered into the picture, you have to re-think your assumptions to accommodate that truth.
Categories: changing mindsets, church, food for thought, music
My mind has been drifting back to some previous posts (see here and here) where we were discussing individuals who function in various ministry positions (like pastors and worship leaders), who find themselves displaced when they no longer feel they belong within institutional Christianity. Their gifts don’t go away, but they no longer know what to do with them. My blogger friend Glenn has talked about it; I can certainly relate; and I know there are others.
Categories: food for thought, music, Rantings
Categories: music, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: fun, music, Things that are too good to keep, What the heck was THAT?
Understanding the intricacies of playing live…this video from Ragamuffin Soul is just too fun not to share…. just too funny!
Categories: fun, music, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: fun, music, What the heck was THAT?
Categories: Meanderings (look it up), music
So I’ve continued to ponder some of the things discussed on this blog last week, particularly about music and worship. I shared how I’m bored with Christian music in general, and how even “secular” music has been speaking to me…and I use the word “secular” loosely since I’m really getting rid of the whole sacred/secular hangup, and I only use the word now so you’ll know what I mean. Knowhutimean?