Categotry Archives: it’s all about me


The Promised Update

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Categories: it's all about me, Meanderings (look it up)

So last weekend I shared that I was feeling a bit convicted about keeping certain dreams of mine safely tucked into the future…and that to deal with that issue, I was going to set some specific goals for myself for 2011, and come up with a focused plan to meet those goals. For anyone who’s interested, here’s (some of) what I came up with. 🙂

Since much of my unfulfilled desire is in the area of music, I felt like I wanted to set two particular (and challenging) goals for this area:
  1. Be playing regular gigs around town by the end of the year.


In Which I Ramble About How I Wish I Could Write Like Donald Miller


Categories: it's all about me, Meanderings (look it up), Things I Should Probably Not Be Telling You

I don’t know if anyone but me remembers this, but I started this blog as practice, as a way of processing my thoughts, with the intention of eventually writing a book.

That was two years ago next week.