Categotry Archives: How I am


Update on Me, For Those Interested

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Categories: How I am

For those tracking with me on my own journey here, I thought I’d devote a post to letting you know about a few things going on. I suppose this is also appropriate since we’re approaching the end of the year and I’ve been already taking a bit of mental inventory. 🙂



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Categories: General, How I am

I actually wrote this post last Sunday, Oct. 21. I don’t know why it didn’t go live automatically. Silly WordPress.

Since I wrote it, I’m doing much better, both physically and emotionally. Thanks for asking.  🙂

It’s interesting how throwing one unexpected and unfortunate event into an established routine can show you the worst of yourself. The event that entered into mine yesterday has thus far shown me the following.

1. I am a friggin’ baby.

2. I am stubborn.

3. I am self-absorbed.

4. I hate to feel stuck.



Best of Times, Worst of Times

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Categories: How I am

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

When Charles Dickens wrote those words, I wonder if he had any idea how many times they would be repeated by people who related to them at one time or another.

Last night was one of those best/worst times for us.

It seems like every time The Director makes a film, the whole family gets involved. Last night around 2:30 am, we finished up “Day 2” of a 5-day shooting schedule for a short film, and we really believe this one has the potential to compete in film festivals around the country. I’m currently running on 3 hours of sleep, with my next best chance for a good night’s rest being sometime on Tuesday. (So this is the caffeine talking.)


What Happened on the Last Day

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Categories: How I am, moments of truth

So…I’m back, blogging on a Sunday. The new worship leader is in place at my friends’ congregation, so I’m officially relieved of duty, so to speak. I’m looking forward to resuming some sense of discussion here, at least weekly. (Sunday mornings are my “blogging” time.) 🙂


Where I Have Been, and Stuff

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Categories: How I am

Sorry for neglecting this here blog…unintentional, I assure you. In case anyone’s been wondering, here’s a brief update on where I’ve been, and stuff.

I mentioned a couple of posts back that I had agreed to fill in temporarily leading worship for the congregation I was helping out when I first moved here. Their worship leader (the one who replaced me) has moved out of state, and the church hasn’t settled yet on a new candidate, so I’m holding the fort, as it were. As my paid freelance writing workload has continued to increase, Sunday mornings had become my weekly “time” to blog here, to process thoughts and reflect. Now, for the time being, my Sunday mornings are occupied as they once were–with loading equipment, rehearsing, and leading worship for a congregation. I’ve agreed to be available at least through Easter.


Same Gifts, New Setting


Categories: How I am, Meanderings (look it up), Tags: , ,

A few posts ago, I mentioned that I would devote some time talking about what I’m currently doing with music, and the role I think it’s playing in the context of mission. This post is my attempt to make good on that promise. 🙂

I know…you all have been waiting with baited breath. The suspense was driving you mad.


A Brief Interruption…

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Categories: How I am

When I first started my series on Distorted Images of God, I mentioned that I reserved the right to interrupt the series if I had some other things to share.

So I do.

So I am.

Just wanted to give a personal update on the music side of things, for those who have been wondering how that part of my life is going, since it’s been awhile since I said anything about that. I had mentioned some goals at the beginning of this year, and while I’ve been slow to reach them, I have managed to reach a couple of milestones in the past week, both of which have been pretty exciting (for me, at least).


Update on Me (for Those Who Are Interested)

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Categories: How I am, Tags:

In case anyone out there waits on pins and needles for me to post on Sunday mornings…my apologies for skipping last weekend. 🙂 I filled in last week at the church where I used to help out with worship, and have been otherwise swamped with extra details and stress over the past couple of weeks, in addition to my normal writing responsibilities.

That said, things are good. In my last post, I rambled on about trusting God in seasons of uncertainty, and I’m finding (as I expected) that the unanswered questions are being answered one by one, in a positive manner.


Lots of Muddled Fragments

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Categories: General, How I am, Meanderings (look it up), Tags:

There are lots of muddled fragments going around inside my head, probably enough for several blog posts. But right now they are just kind of disjointed and fragmented.  So don’t be surprised if this blog post doesn’t amount to much. 🙂

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