Categotry Archives: food for thought


Dangerous Musings About Equality (part 2)


Categories: changing mindsets, food for thought

In part 1 of this series, I began talking about the idea of equality, about the belief that people should be treated as equals without regard to race, gender, socio-economic standing, or other differentiating qualities–especially in the church. I mused that there really is not a strong emphasis on equality in the Scripture, but rather a mandate not to show favoritism in the church, and a mandate to prefer others above ourselves rather than treat them as equals. I referred to this as moving past equality into the celebration of uniqueness. And I suggested that “equality” is a mathematical term that we inadvertently use to draw comparisons on the value of people, and that this is why we need to move past it.


Dangerous Musings About Equality (part 1)


Categories: changing mindsets, food for thought

Kathy over at the carnival in my head has been doing a great series of posts called “what could be.” One of her recent entries was about “equality practiced,” in which she shares about how the church should intentionally practice equality with one another with regard to gender, race, socio-economic standing…in all things.

I’ve been mulling over this one for days, and finally decided to post my thoughts here rather than in her comments. And this post is in two parts so as not to overwhelm the reader. 🙂


The Christianization of Stuff


Categories: food for thought, Rantings

I don’t know if it’s like this where you are, but Tulsa churches are notorious for having a bandwagon mentality; if one of them does something “cool”, other churches have to follow suit as quickly as possible. For example, a few years ago one of our mega-churches installed a merry-go-round in their children’s department (you read that right–a real merry-go-round like in the amusement parks). Now word is out that another mega-church is going to follow suit, and maybe one or two more.

Another example…now that the phrase “emergent church” is going mainstream, churches here are scrambling to form “emergent” services, and sometimes do emergent church plants to reach that “market.” Not that this is bad in itself, and some are doing it from pure motives. But the bandwagon mentality kind of ruins the whole idea for me.


I Must Defer…This Is A Post that Should Be Read

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Categories: food for thought, link love

I’ve often quipped that “pastor’s wives” are consistently given all the same responsibility as their husbands, with none of the authority.

I’ve not seen the plight of pastor’s wives stated quite so well as in Lyn Hallewell’s recent post. It’s actually a repost from before I entered blogland, so it’s the first time I’ve read it…but it is a must-read.

P.S. And what if the wife is the pastor?


Why Deconstruct?


Categories: changing mindsets, food for thought

**Note: For those of you who remember the phantom in my laptop…when I first typed the word “deconstruct” this morning, it came out “deconsuc”. 🙂

Among the lingo that surrounds me (and that I use frequently) is the word “deconstruction”. A lot of us are using this word to describe our spiritual walk as an attempt to get real about our faith. And what it usually means is that we are removing the institutional forms of Christianity from our lives, and/or leaving those institutions behind, without forsaking our faith.


The Shape and the Substance


Categories: changing mindsets, food for thought

Mark Main at The Untried has written two posts about “Assumptions”, reflecting on the flak he has taken in his departure from institutional church, and the assumptions those in his circle have made about his faith and his motives. The list was actually surprising to me, how many things have been said about him and his family–everything from how he’s a heretic to how he’s leading his own children away from God.


(Yawn) ‘Tis the Season?? (or, So Many Zombies)


Categories: food for thought, Meanderings (look it up)

Bells are ringing everywhere.

‘Tis the season for the Salvation Army bell-ringers. They are out in front of stores all over the country…out in the cold (when it is cold, that is). You gotta respect that. And it’s a good cause.


A Thankful Heart


Categories: food for thought

“Thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.” (1 Thess. 5:18, “The Message Bible”)

The holidays have been a mixed bag for me. Some years have been wonderful, others not so much. I can remember in the not-too-distant past coming to the holidays feeling like I didn’t have a whole lot to be thankful for. Which was hard for me because this is my favorite time of year.
I’m thankful it isn’t like that now. But through those difficult seasons we learned something very important.

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